Chapter 19 Of Monsters and Men

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Chapter 19

Of monsters and men

Back by the shoreline, each of the men were rubbing their hands together for warmth from the frosty chill of the night. The four hylians were eagerly waiting for their Zora friend to return.

"Look, sir-Link. Out from the mist, a boat," one of the soldiers commented, pointing his finger toward the water's edge. Eerily, the vessel drifted out from the fog, slowly coming into view. Silent as the wind was still.

Another man blurted, deep superstition in his voice. "But where is...where is Prince Sidon? Could the poes of the dead have taken him already?" the man shivered at the sight.

Link nudged him with an elbow to sit back and be still. But also poking his head out to see, curious as to where Sidon could be. One of the men went ahead to fetch the boat, quizzically looking around the water for any sign of life. Finding no signs of Sidon, he shrugged back to the others, confused.

Out with a splash from behind the man, the prince lunged from the calm water and onto the sandy beach where they were. Nearly having a heart attack, the soldier fell over on his backside in a fluster, eyes wide, speechless, and startled from the sudden surprise.

"Sorry to keep you all in suspense. It's not every day I can enjoy a good midnight swim! I Have to take them where I can get them. Being dry for too long isn't good for a Zora, ya know!" Sidon said with a proud laugh while striking a cocky pose with his arm. "Well, here's the boat. Told you it would be a piece of cake."

Link replied only with a grin as he signaled for the group to huddle one last time before they were to begin. As they all knelt beside him on the beach, he drew up the final plan in the sand.

With his finger, he made a mockup bird's eye view of the layout of the castle grounds and city. "Now, there are two gates we have to get open. The main gate to the city and the bridge to the castle. You can bet the castle is going to be much more fortified by the enemy, seeing that is their stronghold. So, Sidon and I will take care of the castle gate," He said first, gesturing with his other hand to the other men. "Bjorn will lead you two to the front. That gate should be a lot easier to lower down."

"Are you sure the mask will work?" the man with an earlier sniffle interrupted.

"Yes, they will work. Just gotta' remember what we went over."

Sidon interjected with a whisper. "Ah, yes, the acting, I do hope I can convince our enemy."

"You remember what Lord Sylmoor showed you, right?"

"Yeah, that should be easy. Let me just get slum drunk in a tavern first. Then I can be just like our friend Sylmoor. Our actor aficionado. I'm sure then I will be convincing to them," groaned Sidon in sarcasm.

"affifi-what now?" one of the soldiers mumbled under his breath, confused by the term.

Sidon continued, ignoring his question. "Pff, all he did was show me how drunk a man could get in a span of a single evening, then display any skills of theater," he ranted, scratching the back of his head nervously.

Link chuckled. "You'll be just fine. Just try not to speak to any of them or make any unnecessary eye contact," he said. Thinking more of it, he sat back where he knelt. In contemplation, he cupped his chin and reiterated. "Oh, and you must move exactly in the way they do. Do that, and you'll be alright."

"You say that like that's easy, and that is all we have to do," Sidon replied, shaking his head in worry.

"Yeah, no kidding. I have a bad feeling about this," Bjorn gulped in trepidation.

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