Unexpected Guest

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Rey quickly headed to her room, the electronic doors closing shut behind her, a long sigh of relief escaped her lips. She was finally alone. The roaring sounds of the ongoing celebration could still be heard faintly through her thick beige walls. She simply had enough of the festivities tonight.

Rey reflected on why she felt so overwhelmed at the party. She should have been celebrating with the others. She should be happy that the Resistance had successfully infiltrated another secret First Order base, but the victory itself was bittersweet. The moment General Organa had announced that the unscrambled coordinates were leading to Jakku, Rey's energy had been uneasy. She hadn't been back since she first joined the cause, and she knew stepping back onto that planet would open the flood gates to all the emotions she had not fully processed. Jakku was one big, long and painful memory. All those years, she had spent scavenging that sand covered wasteland; to make a few measly units. Barely avoiding starving to death. All those years she wasted, waiting for the parents that would never return. Waiting for a family that didn't want her, a family that left her there to fend for herself as a powerless little girl. She hated to think of it at all, but her mind was bogged down by her past.

Even without her baggage, how could she say no to the mission when General Organa and Finn expected so much out of her. Feeling sorry for herself, she knew she wouldn't want to miss out on a crucial mission, and run the risk of anything bad happening to her friends. She wouldn't allow that, if she could help it.

Rey sat down at her desk chair and bending her knees, holding her legs close to her chest. She glanced over to the door, "Should I go back to the party?" anxiously wrestling with the idea. "They hopefully haven't noticed I've slipped away."

Even though she had her makeshift family of Finn, Poe, and even BB-8 , the idea of her absentee parents still stung. " Argh! Why can't I get over this! When is this going to stop hurting!", tears brimming in the corners of her eyes. She lowered her head, resting her forehead on her bent knees, tears now openly flowing down her cheeks. She knew she most likely was not returning to the party, unless she could get herself together and put on her fake smile. Her broken hearted cries intensified, her weeping muffled into her legs. Suddenly her misery was interrupted, when she felt a large hand apprehensively rest on her shoulder.

Rey's eyes burst open, as she felt a drastic change in the Force surrounding her. She turned her neck swiftly to see who had snuck into her room unheard. A small muted gasp escaped her lips, before she jumped up from the chair, and into a defensive pose. Her mind went into overdrive, trying to process that the sinister First Order Commander Kylo Ren was her comforter.

" What are you doing here? How did you get in here!" Rey barked out, her hands automatically drawing to her hips in search of her lightsaber. "Crap! I took it off for the party", Rey remembered as her fingers brushed the suave fabric of her olive-brown tunic dress. "Why did I think this was a good clothing choice" she thought regrettingly.

"Calm down" Kylo mused, "I didn't come to harm you, I was only just trying to..."

"Trying to what!? Kill me when I wasn't looking! Real tough, huh?" Rey spat out, baring her teeth, her sun kissed cheeks still wet. She quickly blinked back any leftover tears before her eyes discreetly scanned the room, landing on a pile of clothes, she had taken off before changing into her regetable party dress. A flash of remembrance crossed through Rey's brain. She had carelessly dumped her clothes on top of her lightsaber. Kylo Ren quickly turned his head to the pile of discarded clothes, as if reading her mind.

"You don't need that. I am not here to hurt you.", Kylo explained cautiously, with his hands extended slightly outward in a defensive hand gesture.

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