Venturing Out

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Rey slowly but ultimately was coming to terms with the situation she was in. She had finally cleaned not only her room, but herself up. The days that followed her failed attempt to abandon the base, were spent one on one with Finn, just laughing at his jokes, and eating in her living quarters.

"Alright, it's been a couple days since you told me. When do you think you might be ready to see other people?"

"I'm not ready for everyone to know, but I think I am ready to at least start interacting with people again. Maybe even start training again. I have been hauled up in my room for far too long."

"Alright, well how about we just go the common area and sit out there. I know BB-8 misses you, he won't stop asking about you."

She smiled upon hearing about BB-8's concern, realizing how much she missed that little droid. She realized she even missed Poe's usually annoying self. "Alright, alright. You are right. Let's just go to the rec room and hang out there. I need to get out of these four walls."

Before leaving her room, she pulled over her thick winter poncho, hoping to hide her small but still noticeable bump. The rec room had crew members about, relaxing in their free time. Rey took a deep breath and moved forward into the room, passing many familiar faces. They sat down at a round metal table, and Finn wandered off to get her a snack. Rey peered around the room, feeling like a foreigner in her skin.

Poe sat down, breaking her train of thought.

"She's alive!" he poked jokingly. "I was beginning to worry. You even gave BB-8 a fright. '' BB-8 made several beeping noises in agreeance.

"I'm sorry, BB-8. I didn't mean to worry you", she looked down at the droid apologetically.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just don't go doing that again. BB-8 sockets kept on short circuiting from all the stress," Poe said passively.

Finn came back to the table with a tray of food. Rey began to shovel the food in her mouth.

"Looks like all that rest has really unlocked your appetite" Rey gave Poe a dirty look, but returned her focus back to the dish in front of her.

"Shut it, Poe!"

"What? I am just saying. It's a joke. Shesh!"

"Alright, touchy, my bad. Rey I'm sorry" Poe turned to Rey apologizing. "It's just, I was wondering if you ever planned to come up for air", Poe couldn't resist one last quip.

"I am just really hungry, all the time." Rey admitted.

"Leave her alone, Poe. You are not as cute as you think."

"Ooo I am not? Am I ?" Poe questioned jokenly. "Ooo I get it! Why didn't you say something before, buddy." Poe winked at him, insuiting something.

"I'll just leave you two love birds to it" he placed each hand on the couples shoulder. Finn just sighed giving up trying to fight their embarrassing friend. Rey lifted her head, looked around, wondering if anyone was listening. Upon realizing no one was paying attention, she frowned down at the table and went back to her food. 

"Just ignore him." Finn attempted to comfort her. "He is always that annoying".

Rey produced a long sigh, and just stared ahead, watching her fellow crewmates go about their business, shouting and playing games.

"I've got a surprise for you,'' Rey head popped up with interest. "You'll have to wait till later but I think it's going to be a good one."

"What is it?", her eyebrow raised.

"Just meet me at the loading docks around seven. I gotta go and get ready." Finn hurried off to prepare for his surprise. 

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