[1] Ready

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I get out of bed. Today is the day of the reaping of the 74th annual Hunger Games. Of course, the event I've been training for since I was born. I'm finally ready to volunteer as tribute for a poor soul who hasn't trained her whole life like I have. I'm finally ready to volunteer as tribute, to bring pride, to win for District 2. I go to wash up and get ready.

I find the fanciest looking dress in my wardrobe. That should do. I don't want to look too scruffy, entering the Capitol. I lay the dress out on my bed. A royal white with a few ruffles and a netting at the bottom. That looks good.

I hear my stomach grumbling like a monster, waiting for food to enter it, so I know it's time for me to hunt. I get my bag of knives, an apple to munch on while on the way there and my hunting bag and run out the door and into the woods. You can find some plentiful animals to cook a meal with in there. Speaking of cooking, I also have to bring my mother some meat. It's only six in the morning, but I should get going. I need to hunt lots, seeing as I'll be gone tonight, and probably for a long time. My mother can't and won't hunt, that's why. I do all the hunting around here. I have a younger brother, but he's only eight, and my father died in District 13. It got bombed, quite a few years ago. I don't really know what happened. I was only six. I'm fifteen now. 

I slowly creep up on a squirrel, quickly throwing my knife straight in it's eye. Yes. One kill so far, and this can help me warm up for when I'm in the training centre. Great. I take the squirrel and put it in my hunting bag. Next I see a great looking deer, good for cooking deer stew, otherwise known as venison stew. My mother and my little brother love venison stew. I take another one of my big, sharp knives and throw it right the deer's body. Not a single sound, the deer did not know it was coming. They'll be grateful for this deer I'm bringing home for them, my mother and little brother. Or at least I hope.

A bird. Not so full of meat, but it still has value. I quickly throw my shiny knife at it before it gets away. Yes. It fell off the tree. I have to say, I am extremely good at aiming. I know I have a pretty good chance of winning The Hunger Games this year. I know I will. Knife throwing is one skill that can really help you win, if you can aim well. And I can.

My hunting bag is at least half full now, of birds, squirrels and one deer. I look at the sky. It is at least about seven forty-five a.m now. I should be heading home, I need to get ready for the reaping, I need to shower, do my hair, and look presentable for the Capitol. I am actually pretty excited! All that I worry about is how my family is going to cope without me. What if their food runs out within a week? What if I'm in the arena for longer than I expected? Well, I guess they could just trade with some peacekeepers. That'll do for the mean time...

"Clove! Clove, come here. You have to shower and get dressed, dear. The reaping is in one and a half hours.", calls my mother as I lose my train of thought. "Yes mom, I know.", I mumble as I get my dress and go into the bathroom. I scrub myself of all the dirt on me and quickly change. I look at myself in the mirror. Yes, I look presentable. Now all that's left is my hair, and I'm set.

I go into my mother's room and find her sitting in front of the mirror. I look at her and give her the signal that she can do my hair now, and she does. She does my hair in my signature pony tail, with three puffs in between it, and uses four rubber bands that she finds and ties it. I love this hairstyle my mother came up with. Now I look ready. I am ready.


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