The Girl With The Bright Smile

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It was infectious. Like a cold in the head passing around when Autumn runs a shivering temperature. But it was better. No matter how dark the day, her smile always brought it to light. She had that smile on her face as we were headed to tea at Diana's. Her words spewing out with incredible excitement. Even after living with her best friends for the last years she couldn't wait to spend more time with them. Though Anne's smile could light near any darkness there was a part of me that just couldn't be cured by it.
Matthew and his health has been tough. Marilla has written me for advice over the years. Visiting only made it clearer. And the worst part, Anne has not a clue. They never said a word. I know it's because she would come home in an instant and refuse to leave. They wanted Anne to finish her studies at Queens. They couldn't possibly compromise the strides she was making towards her future. And I had promised to not tell her, I just don't know how long I can keep the lies up with her here, in the flesh.
We walked through the forest passing trees of splendor. Anne and I were synced in step. Her arm looped with mine as we left our footprints in the dirt. Or as Anne would call the sacred ground the Earth was blessed with. She always said the trees hold memories like they hold water. Hold secrets alike. I guess that means it holds that very secret. Matthew nearing the inevitable end. And the trees they would never reveal the secret, as familiar as Anne is with conversing with the trees, they wouldn't say a word.
The Berry residence came into view and I could feel Anne nearly jump out of her skin. I stopped for a moment with Anne. She looked to me. Her infectious smile brimming widely.
"Go," I motioned my head to Diana's home.
"Really?" she looked between me and the house.
"I'll catch up," I nodded.
She kissed my cheek and squeezed my arm before running off. I tried to smile as I watched strands of her red curls bounce away. I couldn't bring myself to do it. She had to know the truth. But I couldn't be the one to tell her. It was between the Cuthberts and Anne. I was just the aspiring Doctor who is also Anne's betrothed who happens to know everything. God I hated this.
"If it isn't Gilbert Blythe," a bold voice spoke loudly coming behind me.
I turned slightly looking to who it was. Ruby Gillis and Moody Spurgeon. Ruby had a smile as they approached me. Ruby left Moody's side as he stood to speak to me.
"Moody," I nodded extending my hand.
Our hands met for a firm handshake. I remember Moody had gotten into Queens. He and Ruby must have been an item for a time now. Maybe.
"Ruby Gillis?" I prompted.
"Anne?" Moody prodded.
"Oh please," I laughed. "Shall we?"
We talked of our studies over the years. Moody didn't quite have an idea of what he wanted to become yet. What he wanted to do with the rest of his life.
"You are quite the writer last I remember. You and I were the only ones who worked on the school newspaper with the girls."
"I guess. But it's not a very secure career choice."
"What are you passionate about then?"
"My music. I just love plucking the strings to create melodies for others."
"Write music and perform it if you will," I suggested.
"Still not very secure career wise."
"That's why you perform on nights and work the farm during the days."
We finally got to the large blue door begging an entrance. I put my palm on the handle waiting to table the conversation between Moody and I.
"She's done a number on you," he said referencing Anne.
"And I'm better for it," I finished.
I turned the metal handle pushing the door in. The girls were already busy with gossip and excitement. We entered closing the door with a slight thud. Anne's attention was caught along with the other girls. Anne came to me grabbing me by the wrist pulling me to be seated beside her. Ruby doing the same to Moody.
They may have grown older, we all have, but we still had childish tendencies. That being not making this a formal tea. Running around and loud conversation across the table. Spills and crumbs scattering the tablecloths. The only difference was the girls were all incredibly talkative, besides Anne. That was the unusual part.
Anne replied to the girls and hummed light conversation every once and awhile. But it wasn't the same as it used to be. Something was different today.
The tea ended and Anne said her heartfelt farewells. I was talking to Diana as she was hugging the rest of the girls one by one.
"Is something up with Anne?"
"I'll let you know when I know Diana."
"She's lucky to have you," Diana mumbled watching her best friend engulfed in hugs.
"Trust me, I'm the lucky one."
There was silence between us. Diana inquired into it and knew something was wrong. I knew something that others didn't. I don't know if it was a sixth sense or that she already knew. The dark haired girl was careful as she asked what it was. Hoping Anne would take a little bit longer.
"What are you hiding?"
"How did you know?"
"Gilbert, it's not hard to see there is something holding you back. You've been uneasy since you've arrived."
"I know something and can't tell anyone."
"Matthew," Diana said.
"How do you-"
"Rachel Lynde isn't one to keep quiet about those things as you remember. She tells everyone every bit of gossip she can."
"Anne doesn't know," I said.
"She doesn't?"
I shook my head. Diana grabbed my hand and assured me it would all be alright. I just am not sure how much I believe that at the moment. Anne has finished speaking to Ruby and came to Diana and I. I grabbed Anne's coat as she said a lengthy farewell to Diana. And then Diana did a very Rachel Lynde move.
"Please send Matthew my prayers," she glanced to me knowingly of what she had just done.
I felt my face flush to a pale white. Anne looked to me and back to Diana with a fading smile. She was confused. But she knew that we know something.
"Why do you say that?" Anne questioned stepping back.
"Diana why did you-"
"You know?" Anne said mere offended.
Diana crossed herself in front of me. She was defending me. Keeping Anne and I from fighting ourselves. Though we have practice and a history of it. Diana and Anne had only been in a few fights that others had heard of.
"Anne please don't-"
"Don't what Diana?"
I witnessed the two best friends in a verbal battle of who's to tell first. Anne was already disappointed in me keeping something from her. But Diana, that was a line crossed in her mind. We all know how Anne feels about the truth.
"What do you know?" Anne asked painfully.
"That's a conversation between you and the Cuthberts."
"And obviously you Diana," Anne said harshly.
"We should go," I said to Anne.
"Yeah. We should."

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