Chapter 14 : me?

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*hey everyone, I just want to thank you so much for reading my story! Please vote luvs and make sure to share my story with your friends ! :)  -val*

The Next Morning
kios POV

Ever since last night I've been questioning if I can actually do this because I'm not sure she ever wants to see me again. But damn she's a great kisser.

I meet up with Jason and Chris and we hang out by the front of the school. As we're talking I see elenas crazy boyfriend start walking towards me and everyone watches as he walks with a furious face.

Chris and Jason step away as he comes to me.

"What's your name aga-" as I'm about to ask him the question he punches me in the face. What the fuck?

"What the fuck! What was that for?!" I touch my nose and it's bleeding.

"For touching my girlfriend!" He tries to swing another hit but I stop him and I punch him instead.

He falls to the ground, "you stay away from her, if I ever see you next to her I swear to god!" I laugh as I walk towards him on the ground and bend down.

"What was that?" I say and he gets closer to me

"I said, STAY AWAY FROM MY GIRLFRIEND!" He yells so loud I laugh again.

"Kio! Get away from him!" I hear elena running towards us. I stand up and she's right in front me. We're looking each other in the eye just like last night.


Elenas POV

Last night after kio left, me and Anthony FaceTimed and we had long talks and now we're okay. he just told me that if it happens again he's not going to forgive me. I promised him that it won't happen again and that I will stay away from kio and I meant it.

I make myself a piece of toast for breakfast. I go to my room to do my makeup and get dressed. I wear a white cropped long sleeve with grey sweat pants. I put my hair in a low ponytail to the side.  A few minutes later there's a knock at my door. I open it to see James and he lets me know that we are going to go pick up Sierra and then head to school.

Me and Sierra sit in the back, James wanted Sierra to sit in the front with him but she wanted to sit with me so that I could tell her what happened with kio because apparently he told her, ugh.

As we pull up Sierra starts hitting my shoulder super aggressive and fast.

"What??" I ask her and she looks startled.

"It's Kio...and Anthony?" I spring my head up to see them. James has a convertible so I'm able to get up and see them. I immediately see Kio punch Anthony and he falls to the floor.

I swing the door open and run towards them.

"Kio! Get away from him!" I yell at him and he gets up from Anthony.

We're face to face and I'm locked in his gaze just like last night.

"What the hell are you doing!" I am so mad at him. I would punch him myself if I weren't wearing this new hoodie.

"Your stupid little boyfriend came at me out of no where."

What? I look over at Anthony and he's getting up.

"Is this true Anthony?"

" is" he doesn't look like he's sorry.

I scoff, "you told me that you had practice this morning and that's why you couldn't drive me to school, you lied to me!"

"Yeah? well you cheated on me!"

Everyone is around us watching .

"You know what elena, why don't you take your own car?"

"You know that it got towed!"

"Well that's not my problem, maybe you shouldn't have been with this punk!" He gestures towards kio. I can't believe him right now.

Anthony turns to face kio, "I don't care what happens between me and Elena from now but you better stay the fuck away from her!"

Kio smiles, "That's a shame...she's a great kisser," he looks over to me and winks. What the hell is going on?

Anthony pounces on him and starts punching him but kio pushes him off and punches him even harder. Are they seriously fighting because of me right now?

"Guys STOP!" I start yelling but they keep hitting each other. I almost start to cry because I hate to see Anthony being hurt. I give up on yelling I run over to them and try to pull kio off of Anthony but then an administrator comes, great.

"Boys, stop it!" Kio climbs off of Anthony and wipes off the blood from his mouth. Anthony gets up too. By this time Sierra and James are here with me, their faces in shock.

"Boys both of you to the office now!" The administrator yells, "you too," he points to me.


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