Chapter 22 : "im a vegan"

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Ondreaz comes towards me and he sits down in the chair next to me.

He sits there for a while and I look at him like he's crazy.

"Why are you here?"

"Mm I'm glad you finally asked," he rolls his eyes, "James couldn't come so he asked me to come."

I nod.

"Alright let's go," he grabs my wrist and pulls me up with him. I quickly get out of his grip and scowl at him but he just laughs.

We walk to his car.

"Do you want me to take you back home?"

"Yes please."

I can tell Ondreaz wants me to enjoy his company a little more but my head hurts from all the Kio drama and crying about my dad.


"What do you mean why? Maybe because it's my house?"

"But you'll be bored out of your mind."

I sigh, "just take me home, I'll be okay," he doesn't say anything he just continues driving.

About 10 minutes later I'm asleep resting my head on the window when Ondreaz shakes me.

I wake up to see a small blue building with yellow lining and clear windows. There's tab-

"Ondreaz why are we here, I told you I wanted to go home," I make a pouty face at him and whine.

"Don't look all sad, you need something to eat," he smiles. I really am hungry but my stomach would want to just throw it up.

The restaurant says, "Philz Burger Joint" I groan.

I nod and sigh as we both exit the car.

We get to the front to order.

"What do you want to get"

"I'm a vegan"

He laughs, "good one, you know what? I'll surprise you," he smiles and I giggle.

He takes us to an outside table and it's on a hill. The view is fantastic. You can see the city lights and afternoon sky as the sun is slowly setting.

"Pretty isnt it?" Ondreaz asks me, reading my thoughts.

I nod.

"So elena, tell me about yourself," he looks at me right in the eye and I get stuck in his gaze before I can answer.

"Well I'm a freshman and my dream career is to be a magazine editor or owner," I smile and he laughs a little.

"I know...boring right?" I move my straw in circles in my cup.

"Nah," he was probably uninterested but I could tell he didn't want me to know that.

"So, what about you?" I ask back. Anything about his future plans could probably surprise me.

"Well I'm a senior and my dream career is to be a marine biologist"

I laugh a little, "No way," and he nods.

"No way!" I continue to laugh and then cover my mouth.

"What's so surprising about that?" He smiles and laughs at my shock.

"I don't's just...I wouldn't expect that from someone like you."

"Yeah that makes sense, I get that a lot," he chuckles.

"Sorry if I just stereotyped you or something."

I mean...

"Nah it's alright," what's with all his 'nahs'.

"So what are you up to this weekend."

"I'm just looking forward to seeing my dad."

"We could always go to the movies or something, I could take your mind off it," he smiles.

"Yeah I'll think about it," I smile at him.

The waiter comes to our tables and gives us our meals.

It's two grilled cheese sandwiches with tater tots.

I smile and laugh at the same time, "woah!"

He laughs, "What?"

"How did you know! These are my favorite"

He smirks and gives himself a pat on the back, "yay to me," and I laugh.

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