thank you

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(please read all of it! it's very important)

geez. i don't even know what to say right now.

first, i want to give you a song to listen to :)

if this book were to be a movie i feel like the perfect song for an end credit would be, these days - wallows . and i feel like you should listen, it is our last song together after all...

Thank You

i want to start off by saying thank you.

When I finished the last words of the book. I sat there , listening to my favorite song, and I just smiled and sobbed. The book truly changed my life . It separated me from reality and I'm so glad I got to share it with you and I'm so glad you guys were here to read it . Thank you to those who have been those with me from the very start and thank you to those who just started reading yesterday . It doesn't matter when u started reading my book. thank you for taking the time out of your day to read my story. this book has been so much fun to write and read and watch as it grows, i'm so glad you could be there with me :)

i hope that you have enjoyed this story too. i wrote it for joy to myself but mostly for y'all. i know how fun it can be to read a book and just live in it so i hope that this book allowed you to do that.

The Hard Part

i don't usually share this, but i feel like i should. as you know, my mental health sucks. the last chapters of this book were a little hard to write. i've struggled with suicide and depression for almost a year now. it's something i face everyday. near the end of writing this book, i tried to commit suicide. kind of the same way elena does, just not as bad. i was submitted into a mental hospital. when i got back i had to write elenas suicide scene so you can understand how difficult it was for me to write that and get through it.

i have also been struggling with school, i'm four weeks behind! it's so hard to catch up and write at the same time so i hope you understand why it was hard for me to update at times.

thank you to everyone who has been here for me and to everyone who has reached out to me. i've been getting help but i want you to know that many of y'all helped. when you compliment the book, leave a nice comment, leave a funny comment, or message me, you make my day so much better, so thank you.

the suicide scene in this book is very real however it was a little unrealistic to what it's really like, but i wrote it like that because unlike my life, i want my book to have a nice happy ending.

Why Their Fates Ended The Way They Did

so far, i'm not sure if you like the way it ended (at the time of writing this), so if you'd like , just let me know :)

i chose these fates because it represents something special to me. it's the direction i was headed since the beginning. of course, a lot of you guys helped me figure out some of the ending plots so THANK YOU! it really helped me out. so yes, i do read your comments. i love reading your comments.

something to clear up rq
um in chapter forbidden , when he gave her oral she didn't really lose her virginity there. in a way she did but technically no.

*keep reading luvs!*

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