hey welcome to my book! Thank you for being here :)
this is my first story and because of that it is not the best but please don't judge ! this is a kio cyr fanfiction and the people below are some face claims. thank you for choosing my book to read out of the many, and thank you for allowing me to be the top read kio fanfic, it's a huge blessing and i'm so glad I could share this creation with you. thank you for almost 600k reads as well <3
i'm aware of the mistakes and poor descriptions, this book is currently under some intense editing so just bare with me !
- kio if you're reading this, ilysm <3 -
a few disclaimers, i do not condone toxic relationships, abuse, etc. and let me say this lmao because i realized after,
i am so so so sorry for the age difference. if i was being smart while writing it, i would've known that it was literally pedophilia so i promise that was not my intention. she started as a junior but i changed it for some reason, so honestly just imagine her as a junior. again, i do not condone pedophilia as i have been a victim of it many times so i am so sorry 🤍
on the topic of pedophilia, I'm aware ondreaz has been caught being one. I wrote this when that information was not out. in no way do i support him. this whole thing is a mess, im so sorry.
- to my re-readers, please don't spoil for first time readers. again, thank you for reading, i hope you enjoy, love you all so much. -
if you like this book, support the author by voting on each chapter & giving them a follow <3
Yaz Caramanli as elena (@yazonline)
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kio cyr as kio cyr (@kiocyr)
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anthony reeves as anthony (@luvanthony)
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cindy kimberly as sierra (@wolfiecindy)
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dixie damelio as dixie (@dixiedamelio)
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nailea devora as amber (@naileadevora)
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ondreaz lopez as ondreaz lopez (@ondreazlopez)
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- im going to address this here since i realized addressing it at the end was kind of stupid. this story is going to remind you of lots of shows, books, and movies. the most i've heard, tatbilb, the kissing booth, !after!, the vampire diaries. i'm rly tired of hearing "you copied" this and that and that it reminds a lot of people about it because i've said it countless times. this story was only for fun, i had no idea it would blow up. had i known it would get thousands of reads, i would've been more careful. ty <3 -