Chapter 15 : "whats so funny?"

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elenas POV

We all head to the office, they call Anthony in first because he started it. Me and Kio are sitting in the office by the front desk while he waits to get a nurse checkup and we both wait to speak to the vice principal.

When I look over at Kio he has a black eye and his lips are bleeding. He laughs after a moment

 He laughs after a moment

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"You know your boyfriend really has some balls," I scoff

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"You know your boyfriend really has some balls," I scoff. Why am i scoffing so much?

"Balls? To fight you?" I don't think he is weak but he didn't win the fight against Kio.

"Yeah. You know I beat him you just don't want to admit that you have weak little boyfriend," he says it in a mocking voice and it is so annoying.

"Kio what we did last night was mistake," I completely change the subject and I feel like and idiot.

"Mhm, you can say that but I can tell by the way you were wriggling around on me, you wanted it,"
He makes his stupid cocky smirk. I can't deny that he's right because it was really nice but I'm not going to say that he is right.

I quickly look away from him and he laughs.

"I promised Anthony that I would stay away from you and I meant it," I gesture towards him and I, "no more of this."

"No more of what?"

"You know..."

"What? Making out?" He laughs and I hit him because I refuse to believe that is true.

"You took advantage of me" I don't know why I am playing victim but it's true, he set me up.

"Took advantage of you?" He laughs, "you know you didn't have to kiss me back"

I roll my eyes.

"But I don't blame you, I'm a pretty good kisser," I laugh at his cocky words.

"What's so funny?"

"Your ego," I laugh again.

"You know I'm not stupid right? You don't have to stay away from me just because your boyfriend said so, I'm one booty call away," at this point I'm cracking up.

The nurse opens the door, "Kio I'm ready for you"

Kio get up to walk but before he leaves, he turns to me and leans close, "you can laugh all you want but in the end I always get what I want and I want you" he exits to the nurses room.

What did he just say?

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