"Sweet Jealousy"

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While Mao Mao was out defending pure Heart Valley, you stayed back, feeling slightly crook, you shifted in bed while being supervised by a good friend of yours.

"How's it going y/n?" Asked the well known fluff himself, Badgerclops grinned while stepping into the room with a hot warm chicken soup in hand, you tried to move upright, but was gently pressed down by a warm hand, and you weren't phased by it at all. "y/n you can't sit up yet, your soup needs to cool off" and when hearing those calm words, you grinned, feeling a little better about the situation now, and of course badgerclops grinned back, dying off all the bad vibes.

But once you were gonna say anything, you were brutally interrupted by a raspy loud cough, and it didn't startle you until you continued to cough sorely, and that made badgerclops worry. "Alright y/n, you can sit up now" when hearing that you instantly started to shift upright, while also straightening your position a bit more. "Here, open up" when obeying his orders, you slowly gapped your mouth open, letting badgerclops feed you with a spoon full of chicken soup.

"Are you sure you wanna stay back with me BC? I c-can look after myself" from a question like that, made badgerclops stare at you with a calm expression. "Nahh, Mao has everything under control, and besides I'm willing to make my friend better again" after hearing those encouraging words made you smile happily. "Aww thanks BC, your the bestest" while still feeding you, badgerclops blushed slightly while giggling quite cutely, and of course you noticed it right away. "Hey there's n-no need to blush badgerclops, it's okay" you say a bit teasingly but calmly, and when hearing you say that, badgerclops couldn't help but stutter in response.

"W-What? B-B-Blush?! I wasn't blushing!" When hearing that, you giggled while warmly blushing yourself. "Heh, yeah you were" while now starting a little argument, it was quite obvious you won the fight, and so badgerclops had to face the cold wrath of your very tender and yet terrifying sincere words, which you intended very clearly.

"How does Mao even deal with your everyday stressfulness?" When hearing that, you shrugged while grinning sheepishly towards him, and he only sighed while giving you the last spoon of chicken soup, you eyed the spoon and bit down on the spoon, swallowing the soup in one go. Badgerclops smiled at that but put the bowl of soup down on a nightstand nearby. "So whatcha ya wanna do now? Watch TV? Nit? Eat while watching a movie?" You sat in bliss when hearing the last sentence, and you nodded your head to the sound of it, and that signaled badgerclops to go prepare the food and movie.

"Oki dokie then! Wait right here, ima go prepare everything"

While obeying badgerclops orders, you couldn't do anything but stare, stare around the room, stare almost everywhere. You sighed quite boredly when still waiting for badgerclops to finish his preparation for the movie. But finally, as the big badger finally came in, lifting you up bridal style, you grinned relaxingly to the point where you could easily sleep right in his arms, even though the other is a bit metallic and cold, it was still quite comfortable.

(After the movie had ended, badgerclops was still awake while you were crashed right to dreamland)


"We're finally back! Hahaha! Hey badgerclops hows-" When being cut off by his own words, Mao Mao glared right over to his two good friends, he gulped down hard while slightly twitching his ears in shock, and Adorabat noticed with confusion. "Are you Alright?" While being snapped back to reality, Mao Mao shook his head while staring over at Adorabat with a nervous smile. "Heheh...yeah everything's alright!" While still remembering your sleeping self sleeping so peacefully on badgerclops side, while slightly being hugged by the waist.

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