"Sour Lemon" Part One

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When the sun began to rise and the clouds shifting as they moved along, you awakened from a very tiring and yet comfortable bed, you sat upright to finally get your surroundings, but when you looked to your side all you could see was a red wrapped burrito. Also known as Mao Mao, you tiredly looked at him and widen just a bit. "Are you serious..." you mumbled to yourself, Mao Mao was peacefully sleeping beside you while slightly moving in his sleep. 'I need drink' you said to yourself whilst rubbing your eye tiredly, you tried your best as to not disturb Mao Mao's slumber so you crawled over him in the most quietest way possible.

But once you successfully made it over him, a little light pull was gently tugged onto your sleeve, you looked back with a hint of worry but that all changed when seeing that Mao Mao was still asleep. "Reflect skills" you assured yourself while now placing Mao Mao's hand and arm back inside his cape, and he purred softly to that. "Sleep well" you said while now kissing him on the head, Mao Mao purred louder but was still asleep while doing so.

And now while he was still asleep that finally gave you the opportunity to go make you something to drink and you were dying to drink something especially after a warm tiring bed rest.

And so while you headed yourself downstairs to the kitchen area, you opened the cabinet which was where the plates and cups were, you grabbed ahold of the cup and went over to the fridge, you opened it to reveal a nice cold box of juice, you grabbed that and nicely poured some into the cup that was in your other spare hand, you poured it in, and had a good chug from the cup. Sighing in relief you headed over to the couch next door and relaxed on there, quietly you reached for the TV remote and switched it on, checking for anything to watch and sadly there was nothing on.

So you switched the TV back off and headed back to the kitchen, now grabbing a bowl from out of the cabinet, about now you were having breakfast, an important meal of the day, you finally poured the milk in and munched your way through the tastiness. Finally you headed back into the living area, and had a look of slight happiness, and so when you finished your bowl of cereal, you sighed again, relaxing just a bit on the chair which you were sitting on whilst drinking the rest of the milk that was in the bowl. "Finally, now time to see the others" when reassuring yourself you went to go wash your plate and headed back upstairs to see the others.

But when you got there, everyone was still asleep besides one, you looked around to see where Mao Mao had gone off to, because once you looked over at his bed, he was nowhere in sight, so you wondered around for him and surprisingly you found him, but he was quietly meditating outside on the balcony sitting down legs crossed, you watched in wonder but didn't want to provoke his meditation, so stayed put, staring at his body, his back was facing you, so you couldn't see his face, it was quite amusing but you had other things to do.

You went back upstairs to get dressed, and tried to wake up the others, but unfortunately one big badger didn't want to. "Cmon badgerclops you need to wake up" you said nicely, badgerclops sighed loudly while shifting to his side, ignoring your wake up call, and that annoyed you quite a bit, so you shrugged your shoulders while ignoring him too. "Fine, be that way" and so while now walking little Adorabat up, she sighed too but obeyed what you said. "Okie dokie...I'm up" when feeling good about yourself, you dusted yourself off while now making your way downstairs again, and this time instead of hearing Mao Mao's loud humming, you heard silence.

And you giggled just a bit from that. "Hey y/n, wheres Mao Mao?" Asked little Adorabat, you shrugged your shoulders at her and grinned softly, she understood a little but was too hungry to say anything, and you noticed that. "Don't worry I'll look for him, oh! And make sure badgerclops gets up" when looking back at Adorabat she nodded her head while pouring cereal into her bowl, and you smiled to that.

"I'll be back!"

You yelled out while running outside... Adorabat sighed while rubbing her eye. "Okay...mom..."

(You ran outside to find Mao Mao sitting on a hill nearby)

Hey Mao! There you are, what are you doing out-" when running over to Mao's side, he placed his hand out, giving you a sign of silence, and so you did as was given and kept your mouth shut, but still spoke quietly. "Hey Mao Mao, what are you doing?" When asking such a question, made the feline chuckle lowly. "I'm just getting some fresh air before starting the day, why?" When he looked up at you, you were staring a bit to long, which caught you off guard. "O-Oh! Nothing! I was just wondering...that's all" when getting that out of your mind, Mao Mao sighed calmly while still sitting.

"You can sit down if you want, your legs look tired..." when looking down to your legs, you widen in surprise, they were shaking exhaustingly. "Oh yeah, your right" while now sitting down next to Mao, you breathed in the nice cold air calmingly, and Mao Mao was watching the entire thing, and so you looked back at him confusedly. "What?" When smiling Mao Mao looked away instantly, and that made you chuckle. "N-Nothing! I was just admiring the view!" When knowing very well on what he was doing, you just went with it, letting whatever just happened go.

"Anyway, Adorabat's awake, but badgerclops doesn't want to get out of bed " When hearing that, made Mao Mao sigh. "he'll get out of bed...eventually" as you payed attention, you couldn't help but intertwine your fingers in with his, and he didn't notice that till later. "Wanna go back inside? It's getting a bit too cold out here now" when saying that Mao Mao looked forward then to you along with a reassuring grin. "Fine, let's go" finally while heading back, you could see vacantly that badgerclops and Adorabat were sitting outside the porch, looking at you two, and you didn't know why they were out there all a sudden.

"Hey guys~ did you two had fun doing whatever together?" When hearing badgerclops tease you two annoyingly, you blushed just a bit while Mao Mao did the same. "What?! W-We didn't do anything!" And then you. "Yeah, we did nothing intermit..." Of course badgerclops and Adorabat knew you two did something, because Mao Mao wouldn't stop holding your hand to go inside, and you never noticed that. "Wanna go out to grab something to eat or something?" Asked badgerclops with a sour expression, Adorabat thought about but agreed anyway. "Okay!"

Finally while those two were gone, you and Mao Mao were left to be alone, and that didn't bother you at all. "Hey y/n can I speak to you for a moment" when raising a brow, you obeyed, now heading over by Mao Mao, which who was nowhere in sight again, and that made you feel a bit off. "Mao Mao where are you-" when being cut off, you were pinned against the wall, your eyes widen in fright, but knew who was pinning. "Mao! What are you doing?" You said a bit sternly, all you heard was low grunts and that startled you a bit.

"I can't hold it in anymore..."

Words like that, made you heat up more than you should, and Mao Mao grinned slyly to that. "Good girl~" when fearing for what's to come, you tried to calm yourself down, easing yourself to the pain, Mao Mao was giving you, he gripped your arms behind your back, and pulled your tail to the side, showing off your bottom clearly, and that made you feel strange. "Mao Mao please..." when feeling something strange and wet hit against your opening, your eyes widen, moaning slightly to the fact this was happening. "y/n it's been so long...please, just for today..." when hearing that, you sweated while trying to make yourself feel comfortable. "You just had to find the time now...didn't you" when saying that, Mao Mao pushes himself against you more, making you moan in surprise. "Well the others are gone now, which means I get to have you, all..to..myself~" when hearing him whisper that closely to your ear, that made it flinch in suddenness and he smiled to that. "I know you want this too"


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