"Friendly Teasing"

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Lonely the night was, lonely you felt, a very close friend of yours came walking in with a very worried face, you never took notice of it till he began to speak. "Hey y/n...what's wrong?" When hearing that made you feel very sore all a sudden, and you didn't really wanted to discuss this with him... "Oh n-nothing, just bored...there hasn't been any monsters or sky pirates to fight all week...can you believe it?" As Mao Mao looked at you, you stared back, giving him a look of desperation and sadness, he opened his mouth to say something but nothing never wanted to come out, so you sighed while hunching your back a bit.

"Do you miss it?"

When saying that, Mao Mao gave you a puzzled look, making you sigh again. "Do you miss it? The 'fighting bad-guys-thing?" As you asked that question to him, he only looked at you then to the ground, feeling a bit nervous. "I-I don't know, like yeah, I miss kicking the sky pirates butt and all, but really...I don't actually know just yet...to be honest that is..." as you were listening to that, you smiled, making Mao Mao blush from the sudden attention but of course he didn't mind. "What about you, do you miss it too?" When given a question, you nodded while still smiling at him, he grinned back whilst partially holding onto your hand, you noticed that while now dropping your smile just a bit, and that made Mao frown a little.

"Is something wrong?" As you continue to look at Mao Mao's hand that was lying on top of yours, made Mao Mao look at it as well, giving him a look of complete nervousness. "Oh! I'm so sorry y/n! I just thought you needed a hand...jeez that sounded weird..." he said nervously while awkwardly smiling at you, you didn't mind at all, but did feel quite strange once he smiled at you. "Heh, it's okay, I'm use to this, so your fine" in relief Mao Mao sighed deeply whilst taking his hand off of yours, but once he did that, you quickly grabbed ahold of it, making Mao Mao stare in confusion. "Huh-" Then you cut in, blushing while doing so. "No please...you can leave it there...I-If...you want" when having permission to hold your hand, Mao Mao blushed while lowering his ears, which led you to do the same. "O-Oh Okay...heh"

While now holding your hand, you grinned brightly at him, making his pupils expand just a bit, and that caught you off guard for a bit before realising what was happening. "Aww are you interested in something Sheriff?" You hinted while staring right into Mao Mao's eyes, he blinked suddenly while continuing to blush, you giggled to that while rubbing his hand with your thumb, he gulped down nervously while trying to think of something to say. "U-Uhh...-" when wanting something to say, you interrupted with a soft hum, making him avert his gaze towards your mouth which was closer to his face then it should be. "y-y-y/n..? W-What are y-you doing?" As you were partially touching lips with Mao's you smirked whilst knowing why he's nervous.

"What's the matter? There's no need to be nervous" as you whispered that out, Mao Mao gulped down again making you smile in happiness. "Aww Cmon sheriff! Stop making that face, it's too much, hahahah!" Once you kissed Mao Mao on the head, he jolted up, giving you quite a fright, and you chuckled to that. "Heh, your very jetty when your nervous, aren't you?" As you said that a little teasingly towards the heroic cat, he sighed heavily, giving a little glare of frustration. "y-y/n that wasn't funny" when catching his breath, he looked away from you, almost at the edge of leaving through the process, you took slight notice of that but smirked throughout that time. "Ohh Mao Mao, don't be like that...it was just a little joke, I'm sure it was nothing personal" when saying that, Mao Mao blushed once again, but you had no clue what he was doing because his back was facing your direction.

"Don't be mad at me, I was just trying to help you feel better, you seemed tense" when hearing that, made Mao Mao's ears flinch back, towards your direction, which meant he was listening to you, and you admired that. "Please I need to be alone right now..." as he said that, made you feel sad, so you took the opportunity to grab his arm, and surprisingly he didn't force his arm away from you, so you perked your ears up in surprise while grinning quite a bit. "Cmon Mao, there's no need to be alone, I'm here, right here besides you" as you said that calmly, only made his ears furrow downwards. "That's the thing...your always there" when hearing that, made you raise a brow in confusion, so perked a eat up to listen more clearly. "What..?" And so When continuing, Mao looked back at you while frowning softly. "Every time something good or even terrible happens, your always there...by my side...I don't know why, but why do you always..help me? You help through so many things...why..?"

When hearing all that you frowned also, but in a good way. "B-Because...because, your my friend...and I would do anything to make that friend of mine well again" When now reassuringly smiling at Mao Mao, he smiled back, coming closer to you, you knew where this was going, and you didn't want to take it up a level, so you did something only a friend would do, you ghostly slip lips down his, and he did nothing but blush and stare, you smirked at him while trying to hold in your laugh. "Uhh-" and when the time was finally right, you pushed away, laughing as hard as you can. "Hahaha haha! Oh my god! Pff! Did you-Did you really think I'd kiss my best friend? Heh your funny Mr. Sheriff" when witnessing all that, Mao Mao's ears were both facing down to the ground, his face heating as you continued to laugh.

"y/n...t-t-that...this isn't funny!" When shouting out this time, you went right over to him, hugging him quickly before running off soon. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! It's just...your so fun to tease" once getting all of everything out of your system, Mao Mao grunted sternly While crossing his arms together, you stared at him with a very joyous smile and that only made Mao Mao roll his eyes in little frustration. "Next time...will be the last next time..." when saying the last sentence a bit darkly, made your ears perk up in shock, but of course you were use to stuff like this. "Aww your so cute! Mew Mew!" As Mao Mao glared forward to you, you gulped down hard, knowing what to do. "Sorry!-" when yelling that out, Mao Mao began to chase you, luckily though your a bit faster then he is, so you had a chance.

"Don't ever call me cute! And what even is a Mew Mew?!"

When asking those questions, made you laugh again, knowing well that those words will keep him questioning. "Hah! You'll have to catch me first!" When teasing him again, made you run even faster, and unfortunately Mao Mao was catching up pretty quickly, and you were in for it now. "I'm screwed..." you said to yourself while still running for your life.

"Get back here!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2020 ⏰

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