"A Memorable Form" Part One

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When there was a rumble in your tummy your ears that were perked up before were now suddenly flat down, and you knew exactly what that meant, you were outside at the time but found yourself outside next to an unusual tree of delicious looking fruit, and you couldn't really bother walking all the way back to 'Home Base' so you gulped down at the sight of the fresh apple tree, you smiled quite gently to the fact the apples seem quite edible and healthy.

Well that was what you thought...

Once you climbed the tree and hopped back down with one of the fruits, you gently rubbed it, cleaning it off as you were about to take the first bite, you were happy that you finally had the pleasurable satisfaction of the juice dripping in, and you couldn't help but devour the whole apple within a minute, and that led you to climb up to pick another, which was exactly what you did, you climbed back up the tree to grab not just one but three.

You smiled softly to that, and did the same as you did before with the first one, you rubbed it off before devouring it all over again. "Mm! What delicious apples" you hummed out soothingly, your mouth was all juiced up and your hands were wet from it, and you knew what to, you began to lick your lips while now licking your hands, you continued to do that before feeling something unusual, your whole body felt small, and your hands felt very strange, and so once you took a glance at your hands, they were both paw like features, and when you touched your face with them, your eyes widen while screaming as loud as your lungs can.


You screamed out loud, your ears that were still animal like ears began to flatten themselves even more, and you were too panicky to realise what you are. "I need to go tell the others!" You yelled while running on all fours.

Things aren't going be pleasant for you...

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