Chapter 1

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Ruby POV

"Mario, I can't do this anymore" I sigh and lay in my bed.

"Ruby, Why can't you just tell Manu?" Mario asked. I sigh and closed my eyes.

"Why can't you just tell Manu that you love Bastian instead of him?" Mario finished his sentence.

"We just got married" I said.

"So?" he said. I sigh and nodded.

I screamed out loud and woke up from my dream. My breathing was hard and heavy. Manu woke up quickly and puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" he asked. I shook my head.

"Your dreams again?" he asked. I nodded. These past couple of days, I've been having this weird dreams. All of them about getting a divorce and loving Bastian. It's all weird.

"I'll be back and bring you some water" Manu smiled and kiss my forehead. I smile and caressly rubbing my thumb on his cheek. He smile and left.

A minute later, he came back with a glass of water. He sat down on the bed and hand me the water.

"Danke" I smiled and drink the whole glass of water. Manu took the glass and put it on the night stand. I look at his sleepy face and remove hair off his forehead.

"Come and lay down with me" I whispered. He nodded and climb across the bed. He wrap the blanket around me and save a little for him.

"Goodnight Baby" I whispered.

"Goodnight Schön" He kissed my forehead and hug me tightly around his strong body. I smiled and fall asleep slowly.


"Liebe!?" Manu yelled from upstairs.

"Yes Manu!?" I yelled back from the kitchen.

"Where is my Bayern training shorts!?" He asked. I smiled and put the pancake on the plate. I turn off the gas on the stove and walk upstairs. I walk into our bedroom and went in our closets.

"Manu! What the hell is with this mess!?" I looked around the floor, finding socks and boxers everywhere.

"Sorry, I was looking for my socks and couldn't find it" He scratch his head. I chuckled.

"Did you look at your football drawers? It was clearly labeled 'Football' and IT'S IN BOLD!" I said.

"Ohh! I'm sorry" he chuckled. He open the drawer and find his training socks.

"Manu, clean this up or I'm not giving you breakfast" I said.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Pancake with Nutella and a side of fruits bowl" I smirk. His head snap right up when he heard the word 'Nutella.' I love this man so much.

"Alright see you down there" He said quickly and start collecting all the socks. I laughed and walk downstairs.

I put 3 stacks of pancakes on top of a plate and put a jar of Nutella on the side. I pour the black coffee into a coffee cup and add 4 cream and sugars. Just how he likes it.

"Smells good here" Manu smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Rub, I gotta tell you something" Manu doesn't look happy. I smiled and took his hands.

"The team, we-" Manu stutter. I rub his palms, already know what he's going to say. I sigh.

"I know what your going to say. I'll be fine. When will you be home?" I asked.

"In a week" Manu nodded. My heart started hurting. I tried not to cry in front of Manu. I put my head up and smile.

"I'll see you then" Manu smiled and kisses my lips.

"I love you" He whispered.

"And I love you too" I said. Manu kisses my neck and grab my butt.

"Hurry and finish your food! You're going to be late!" I rolled my eyes. Manu chuckled.

"They can't leave without their best goalkeeper! They need me in the game! They can wait. I'm their king and they're my slaves!" Manu said with confidence.

"Who's your slaves?" Basti and Mario walked in.

"Ruby!" Mario said and quickly hug me. I laughed and hug him back.

"Hey" I said.

"You heard we're leaving right?" Mario look upset. I nodded.

"Yup, but font worry sweetheart, mommy will be fine" I laughed. Mario rolled his eyes.

"Basti, Are you leaving too?" I asked. He's not, you retard! He's going to stay here with you! Because he loves you! My subconscious said. I shook my head.

"No I'm not" he said. I quickly look at him.

"Why?" I asked.

"Pep won't let me. He said I had to stay here until my knee fully recover" Bastian said. Someone kicked his knee 2 weeks ago while playing so he couldn't play.

"Ah! That's good! Basti, you can stay here with Ruby! You can take care of her for me right?" Manu put his arm around Basti shoulder.

'Oh no! Manu why would you say that! You should know that I should be at least be keeping my distance away from him! After what happened this morning!'

"Yes, I can" Basti smiled. Manu smiled and look at me. I snap out of my thoughts and smiled back.

This is going to be a very good 1 week with Basti. Because the last thing I don't want was to spend a week with Bastian Schweinsteiger.

This is the first chapter of We Belong Together!!!!!! Yes this is a sequel to Almost Lover! Yes you must read Almost Lover first then read this!!!!

How do you like the very first chapter????? Vote and comment what you think!

I will be posting a New Fanfic soon soo stay tune for that one! Yes it will be another football story! It will not be about Manuel Neuer or Bastian Schweinsteiger But I really hope you guys like it


We Belong Together *Sequel to Almost Lover*Where stories live. Discover now