Fatherly Love - Platonic Moxiety

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This is a really long one but it's for a good reason. A lot of it is description so just be warned because I really wanted to describe a bunch of cute clothes.

Here are ages if you were wondering cuz I was editing this and it confused me too:


This isn't a college au so I'm not bringing up all that complicated stuff for just a oneshot.

Note: They aren't actually family, but Patton is the house's fatherly figure.

Warning: Use of the term 'tranny' in reference to transgender peoples.


Patton was a good dad.

Like a really good dad.

Patton was the kind of dad who always hyped up Roman and helped him come up with amazing ideas for stories and musicals and plays and whatever came to mind first. The kind of dad who always stitched up the holes in Roman's pants when he rips them from falling while roughhousing with Remus. He was the kind of dad that always sat in the front row of all of Roman's performances no matter how big or how small, with a bouquet of roses. He was the one who when he saw Roman crying over a boyfriend who left him for someone else, he always told Roman that he was the most handsomest most amazingist prince of them all and any man who dared to break his heart was a fool.

Patton was the kind of dad who always took Logan to the library and helped find new interesting books to read no matter the time and no matter the day. The kind of dad who helped Logan fill out his college and career applications no matter how long into the night it took and how much he really wanted to just go to bed. He was the dad who gladly dressed up as Watson and played detective Sherlock Holmes and Watson with him whenever Logan was feeling a need to solve some problems around the house; he'd always be Logan's loyal sidekick. He was the kind of dad who gladly taught Logan everything he knew about cooking nice meals, even if by the end Logan only retained some of the recipes, and still couldn't bake if his life counted on it, it was the bonding time they had that counted to Patton the most.

Patton was the kind of dad who magically always found tickets to the sold out concerts Virgil liked right on time. He was the kind of dad who never just heard but always listened whenever Virgil just needed to vent or talk to someone or just let go from holding in his emotions, and it would always be okay with Patton; anything Virgil said would always be safe with him. He was the kind of dad who taught Virgil how to do gradients with nail polish so Virgil could do those cool galaxy designs he liked to show off to others, and sometimes Patton would even paint his own nails too and match Virgil for a few days. He was the kind of dad who when he first walked in on Virgil trying on a pastel purple tea length dress he borrowed from a female friend-looking at himself in the mirror with the biggest smile he's seen on Virgil yet, swaying his hips and watching how the skirt twirled around him loosly-Patton never once questioned him, never once gave him a weird look, and he never once told him to take it off.

Patton was the kind of dad to give his flustered and embarrassed son a soft smile and say "Now kiddo you should give that dress back to Valerie, I think she'd want such a pretty dress back. We can go outfit shopping tomorrow morning so you don't have to borrow your friend's dresses." And go on with his day.

Rest assured, you could say Patton was a good dad.

And Virgil was incredibly grateful for him.


Well, Logan and Roman were too, but this isn't about them.


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