~Authors note~

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Ok, so...this is my first lemon ever since the 4 years I've been on watt pad. I just wanted to do something different and take a little break from my Johnny Bravo story. I added my oc Blade in this cuz why the fuck not. Withered Bonnie and spring trap both like her in my fandom and she likes them its more or less a love triangle. Also Withered Bonnie and Spring trap my favorite 2 character in fnaf history. Springtrap is 19 in my fandom and Blade is actually 18 I will do my best in this story, then Withered Bonnie is the same age as blade. I will do literally any kind of lemon from rape, gay, lesbian, night guard, humans, ill even do another one with my oc if anyone so requests it.  If you want to request a lemon pm me, done be surprised if i ask a few questions, i like to know exactly how the part wants to be done. Its open to almost anything. I do requests, so requests are open and I will also do oc requests too but I wont do a little kid getting raped by a adult I refuse to do that. The first two chapters are based off my oc's point of view so there a lot of 1st person. Also these two first chapters are going to be also known as reader x springtrap/bonnie also so I don't have to rewrite all that shit, so just pretend its you or your character whatever it is and change the name that says blade to whatever you characters name is, and different backstory and shit. 

ima describe my oc a little

Shes a Halloween attraction, shes a black and orange wolf. she has a flame pattern on her legs that starts mid shin down that same flame pattern is on her forearms and starts in the middle of her forearms but there's just endo-skeleton there so you cant really tell(There is a picture above to see what she looks like and yes I drew her myself.). She is one of the smaller animatronics but shes still bigger than a full grown man. She has razor sharp claws and teeth and a longish tail that's mostly endo-skeleton. Her name is Blade. She caused the bite of 87 in my fandom. after her ,malfunction she was thrown in a secret room of the pizzeria and forgotten for 11 straight years with no living creature interaction, causing her to go a little crazy. In my fandom Afton and spring trap are 2 completely different people. Blade is a ruthless, hotheaded, cruel, and blood thirsty wolf with a bad temper that she cant sometimes control BUT she CAN be a big softy when it comes to the ones she loves and cares about, this being she can turn to a loyal, protective, and loving girl, its her past that made her this way. her way of killing is torching and mauling, meaning she will tear off limbs while her victim is still conscious and continue to slowly rip them off until they die of a combination of blood loss and shock. She has no set pattern on where she moves in a fnaf game(if she where in one). What makes blade so unique is her rage meter that the night guard would have to keep an eye on or her temper will get out of control and they will most likely die because once that rage meter is full she becomes extremely aggressive. her attacks get faster, she sneaks up on the night guard more often, and over all she will start to endlessly attack the night guard. In Other words Blade's rage meter is:

The night guard not only has to watch the cameras but they also have to watch out for blades rage meter. Her rage meter is how much shes getting angry, and the higher the meter the greater aggression she will display. Her meter will increase when:

The door is shut in her face

She's temporarily blinded and dazed by a flashlight

The audio button brings her to a location where there is no child playing

The taser is used on her

As the nights progress for her losing

You'll know when she's almost at her breaking point because she will get faster and more aggressive and attack more often. Her endo will begin to flash bright red when her rage meter is almost full, and when its full her endo will be completely solid red, her eyes will glow red too.

Her and the toys don't get along so if Blade and one of the toys in in the same room they will retort to attacking each other. It's best to close all doors and vents when this happens so you don't involved in the crazy fight, And when the twisted wolf is in the same room as Blade that's even worse, no one knows why they hate each other so much but, they always fight for dominance over the pack. In other words who's alpha, Blade has won every time. 

So yeah there's my oc for you now lets get to the lemons.

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