Relationship Problems ~ Withered Bonnie X Blade[Lemon]

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(Okay so, this part is a little long and has a little bit of story behind it but read till the end I promise you wont regret...I mean its a lemon so you might regret everything lol anyways lets get on with it.  Also the picture is not mine, goes to rightful owner. )

It was another dead night, no one had come to the pizzeria in days, not even a night guard came. It sucked because I couldn't bite their heads off. I enjoyed killing the night guard, but lately I haven't been caring too much about killing the night guard, because my boyfriend Withered Bonnie, a tall purple rabbit with no face or left arm, has been so distant lately. This alone is killing me on the inside because he's the only one that understands what I went through in my past and to think hes not there anymore for me to talk to makes me feel bad and REALLY lonely. I was craving his company and his affection, but he always had some sort of excuse to not hang out with me. I might come off as a little clingy but what do you expect I was locked up in a secret room for 11 years straight with no human interaction or really any interaction with anything at all. I feel safe when i'm around Withered Bonnie, as of the other animatronics don't like me too much, because they say i'm 'too aggressive'.

Not long after, I couldn't take it anymore I had to go do something with Bonnie or I will die of loneliness. I go find Withered Bonnie and run up and hug him from behind, tightly. I didn't want to let go because I have been missing him so much, like a piece of my non existent heart was missing. I can feel myself tearing up, I had missed him so much, but I kept myself under control. After what seemed like 5 minutes, I finally let go. He turned around and looked at me, he had noticed I was a little teary eyed. He didn't say anything he just wrapped his arm around me and hugged me tight, I hug him tightly back, he sets his head...or what's left of it on top of mine in a comforting attempt.

After a little while, I'm feeling better but I still am not done with him yet. We let go and just look at each other. Withered Bonnie is at least a foot taller than me not including his ears. He was one tall bunny, but he was my tall bunny.

"Bonnie why do you never want to hang out with me anymore?" I ask

"I've just been busy that's all." he responds

"Too busy to notice your girlfriend down in the dumps? Too lazy to completely ignore your girlfriend? Too busy to at least give me a hug or tell me you love me?" I ask slightly annoyed by his reply

Withered Bonnie sighs, Blade was right, he had been pushing her aside and ignoring her, his own girlfriend that understood him better than anyone ever has. He knew she was feeling lonely but he never noticed how bad it was getting until now when she was crying when she hugged him. He had really fucked up big time. He was not going to allow himself to hurt Blade anymore than he already has. With what she went through in her past, he understood now why she was so clingy, it doesn't help that half the time she's by herself anyways. He was gonna make it up to her, and spend the rest of the day with her.

"Ok, ok i'm sorry I didn't realize how much it was bothering you." he said

"Bothering me is a fucking understatement you purple asshat!" I Yell, my temper getting the best of me. Bonnie didn't yell back, he understood why Blade would be mad, but he also understands that she has an anger problem that she sometimes can't control.

"Ok, ok take it easy babe." Withered Bonnie tries to calm me down

"We are watching a movie together, no backing out!" I order, Bonnie nods, he's not mad or annoyed he understands why.

An hour later Bonnie and I have been watching a movie for that hour. Withered Bonnie tried to put his good arm around my shoulders but I pulled it off because I was still mad at him, but I could never stay mad at him for too long, after all he's still my boyfriend and everyone makes mistakes. After a few minutes Withered Bonnie couldn't handle getting the cold shoulder, especially from his girlfriend.

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