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Name: She looks up from her book. "Why should that be of your concern?" (Luna Silva)

Age: "Well I'm not a child, but why should you know my exact age?" She says returning to her book. (20)

Looks: Luna huffs, closing her book. "Are you blind?"

(body like this but female)

(body like this but female)

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Species: "I'm a cat-centaur. My race of cat-centaurs, panther-centaurs, are a respectable race and strong warriors."

Sexuality: "Why are you asking me these questions?" (straight)

Powers: "This is none of your information. If you really must know, I'm good at healing and I can turn fully human and fully cat." She says, standing up and pacing, her book under her arm. (healing, turning fully human and panther, can speak to and understand nature)

Personality: Luna stops pacing and turns to face you. "Again, why is this of importance? I should be practicing my combat skills." (strong, curious, creative, can be aggressive but most of the time is peaceful, kind, appears to be mean at first but is nice once you get to know her, brave, compassionate, empathetic, caring, smart, easily annoyed)

Likes: "Well, I guess I can answer this. I like books, nature, dancing, spring, and friends, even though I don't have many."

Dislikes: "Bullies, fires and annoying questions!" She said, seeming to direct the last one at you.

Talents: Luna turns around and sits with her back to you. The tip of her tail twitching. (dancing, taming wild animals, calming children, and knowledge of the world and all that's in it)

Home: "I won't say. Even if I wanted to, I can't because it's forbidden in my tribe." Standing up and looking at you. "Are we done yet?" (in a small hidden village near Braham)

Weapons: "Swords, double blades and the longbow, none of which I'm afraid to use on you if you don't let me go." Luna threatens.

Family: She tenses and turns around. "That's none of your business," Luna mutters through clenched teeth before turning around and leaving. (father is the chief of the tribe, giving her high standards to live up to and her mother is the tribe's healer)

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