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wow I forgot about this entirely

like sometimes I come back on Wattpad to check notifications but like I deleted the app like this stage of my life was over a while ago wow

like I see people reading my Ryan ross book from 2.5 years ago and I'm like wow that felt like yesterday and there are 13-year-olds like I was still reading it idk

idk it's just weird

I was so overdramatic in all my spam books

I said a lot more than I should've and it was honestly a low in my life but it's over and I like actually know who I am now like wow

i lowkey redact most of what i said because i was 13-14 and didnt know who i was or what i was saying thinking or feeling but i mean thats a part of life like not knowing who you are (identity vs role confusion just AP psych things)

no one's gonna read this

umm @soggyelbow I haven't seen you in like 2 whole years and ik we never talked really but you were always in my comment section like the only one and i had a fun time talking and responding to you i hope you're doing well

but even tho the title is im still here im not really

im better now idk i got meds and im okay now

and everything might not be sorted out but most of it is and im excited ig

im supposed to get a call about a job interview for starbucks tomorrow im scared lowkey

like i already have a job but i totaled my car so i need money also i have literally nothing to de

wow im driving now i never wouldve thought

anyways i hope youre all doing well

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2020 ⏰

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