Chapter 4

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Chase, Jean, Scott, and Kurt sat in the helicopter waiting for it to land. They were all dealing with the situation bin their own way.

Kurt was praying in the corner. Chase was taking a light nap on Kurt's shoulder.

"It should have been me." Scott says out of nowhere. He woke up Chase and stopped Kurt from praying. "He was the one that was gonna do something with his life. He was always the one." Scott willows in self pity.

"That's not how he felt. He felt you were the one who was gonna do something with your life. That you were gonna make a difference in the world." Jean says trying to make Scott feel better. "Maybe even change it."

"How do you know what he felt?" Scott asked pain evident in his voice.

"I know how everybody feels." Jean says. Silence ran through the group of teens. Jean grabs Scott's hand and he starts to cry, Kurt goes back to praying.

"It looks like we're about to land." Chase says breaking the silence pointing at the giant hole the helicopter was about to enter.

The four were in the hallway of the facility. Jean and Chase focused on making the men not see them.

"What taking so long?" Scott asked Kurt who stood by the metal door. Jean and Chase walked over towards the two boys.

"I can't get in they have a field around it like the helicopter." Kurt says.

"Their got to be a way to cut the power." Scott says looking around.

The four mutants walked down the hallways of the unknown facility with Scott in the lead, Jean and Kurt off to the side and Chase in the back.

They saw a few guards and quickly his behind a couple pillers. "Guys that could be out way out of here." Scott says turning to the other three.

"Hear me inhabitors of this world–" Charles voice travels through Jean and Chase's head.

"What is that?" Scott asked touching his head.

"This is a message–"

"It's the professor." Chases tells the others.

"A message to every man, woman, and mutant. You have lost your way, but I have returned. The day of reckoning is here all your building– for their is nothing you can do–"

"Jean... Chase–" The two young telepaths could hear their professor whispering to them.

Jean and Chase focused on the professor's message to them. "If you two can hear me focus on my voice. Find us. Come and find us." He ended the little message between the three.

"This message is for one reason alone to tell the strongest among you, those with the greatest power protect those without. That's my message to the world." His message ended.

"He just spoke to us." Chase says a little disoriented.

"I think he spoke to everyone." Scott says.

"I could hear him too." Kurt confirmed what Scott said.

"No, more like a hidden message. One only Chase and I could hear, we know where they are." Jean says. A man turns down hallway the four stood.

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