Chapter 1

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Calums POV

I dont know how im going to tell Vienna that I am slowely dying, I couldnt. It would break her heart and mine. She was my world, and knowing that I couldnt do anything to stay, killed me more. I need to tell her, but that would ruin her family holiday that she was on right now, and knowing that I might not be alive before she gets back to say goodbye, is the worst feeling in the world. Sinces she has been gone I have gotten worse and worse. She only thought I had a cold before she left, I should have told her. I should tell her right now, but I cant. I havent been able to move from my bed in a month and the doctors are sure I wont last another week, but she doesnt get back for two. I have to stay alive for my girl, just to say goodbye, one last time. To be able to hug her, kiss her, tell her everything will be okay. She'll be fine without me. The boys, I know, will look after her, so will my parents and her family, but its my job not theres. I should be the guy getting down on one knee, making her smile everyday, being her shoulder to cry on, being the one she says 'I do' to and the one she has kids with, but thats not going to be me, ever. She even told me before she left that if I needed her, all I had to do was call and she would be on a plane straight home, but I dont know if I should do that. My parents reckon I should tell her soon, so do the boys. How am I meant to just tell my girlfriend of five years that im going to die? That she cant help and we will never be together again? That would hurt more than getting shot. My cancer only started six months ago, and it became bad very quickly. Even when we skype, I try and hide it, but she isnt stupid. I need to call her, I need to tell her. I cant have her coming home and being told her boyfriends dead. That she didnt even get to spend one last time with him. Ill call her now and tell her. I got up and walked over to my laptop which was on the table near my bed. I popped myself down on the seat, opening the computer up, then calling her. "Hello." She smiled, as she answered. She was so beautiful. Her brown wavy hair went just down past her shoulders, her beautiful blue eyes, her amazing smile. How am I going to tell her? How? "I have to tell you something." I choked out already feeling the tears. She gave me a funny look, already being able to tell I was crying. "What is it Calum?" She asked worridly, finally noticing I was in a hospital. "Why are you in a hospital? Calum whats wrong?" She said sternly. I could tell she was about to cry. "I have cancer and im slowely dying." I choked out, her hand flying up to cover her face before tears started steaming down her cheeks. "No Calum no." She shook her head as I nodded mine. She turned around and cried in to her hands for a couple of minutes l, before she spun back around. "Im coming home okay." She sobbed. "No babe you have to stay with your-" "Your my family to Calum." She yelled. "I can always come back for another family holiday." I looked down and twiddled my thumbs together. "Ill see you soon I love you." She gave me a weak smile, before blowing me a kiss and hanging up. I did it, I told her. Now she probably hates me.

So this is my second fan fiction. I feel more confident about this one. So please read, comment and vote - Jessica xx

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