The Battle on Salt

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After burning up the trash,

Me, Mindy and Maz hop on the AT-ST with BB-8 to get to a shuttle.

"This is AWESOME!" I yell out while riding on top of the walker.

We then reach the shuttle and fly off, I look out the window and I am mesmerized by the destructive sight

I am a total badass...

After I while, I then head over to talk to Maz, who's piloting.

"Um, quick question..... Where the hell are we headed?"

She then looks up at me,

"To the planet Crait, that's where the Resistance base is located."

"Are they already there?" Mindy asks


"Sweet," I then look around and pat myself down.

"Ugh, I keep forgetting no lightsaber anymore" I mutter to myself

"What the hell are you saying now?" Mindy directs at me

"I SAID, I keep forgetting I don't have a lightsaber anymore."

Mindy then laughs at me, "haha you? With a lightsaber? Bullshit" she then winces while holding her wrapped up shoulder

"Whatever, worry about that shoulder instead of me" I fire back with a laugh before walking away.....

We then soon enter the atmosphere, and the place is almost as white as snow.

"Woah" me and Mindy say together before glaring at each other

The scanner soon goes crazy in the ship,

"We have company!" I hear Maz yell out to us

We look out and see 4 TIE fighters coming straight towards us.

"SHIT!" Mindy says, "we gotta take care of them before we reach the base!"

"On it!" I exclaim before moving to control the guns

"Okay, okay, just.... concentrate" I tell myself

I begin to fire back and manage to clip one, causing them to explode

One down, 3 to fucking go

I then feel us get hit a couple times, causing our shuttle to shake violently

"Damn, this thing sure can't take hits!" I yell out

"Yeah, no fucking kidding. Just hang on! I think I see the base!" Mindy yells back

"You THINK? I would prefer if you KNEW!"

I then feel the ship dip down,

Shit shit shit

The TIE fighters continue to fire at us,

"Ah, screw this!", I then get out of the gun chair and go up front to see where we are.

"Are we.... there... yet... woah" I say quietly as I see a huge metal entrance and our those..... ice fox's?

We then dip down even further and slide across the ground as we try and reach the base before it closes completely

I see fighters fly away from us as we continue to move along the ground.

We eventually stop but we are getting shot at

"Wait! Why are they firing at us!" I say getting angry

Mindy then smacks the back of my head,

"Because we are in a fucking First Order shuttle. We look like the bad guys."

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