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I feel myself walking around in the dark, amongst a forest. With nothing but my lightsaber in hand and the clothes on my back. It suddenly starts to rain, causing me to run. Where, I have no idea.

Soon I stop and in the distance I see,

Soon I stop and in the distance I see,

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I wince my eyes to see better

Where have I seen this before

I then see Kylo deactivate his saber, while the rest of them charge towards me.

Oh shit oh shit oh shit

I start to panic, I don't know whether to face them or run.

I decide to run.

Due to the rain, I slip a few times but run my hardest away from then. I look back like a dumbass but notice they aren't in sight.

When I turn my head back around, Kylo is suddenly in front of me, lightsaber ignited.

"Woah!" I exclaim as I come to a stop and fall back. He then deactivates his lightsaber again, and due to the dark, I can't see him. 

"Welp.... here goes nothing" I say nervously as I activate my green blade. I hold it in front of me as I try and see my surroundings.

To my right, I see one of his buddies charge at me with his weapon and I barely make the correct block in time. He then disappears from my view.

What the hell is this

I sense two behind me and I flip up high enough for them to move under me. When I hit the ground, I get hit hard on my temple by one of them. Causing me to fall to one knee. Another comes at me, and I block him before pushing him away.

I get up quickly and looking around for more of them to come

"Come at me, you fucking cowards."

The rain suddenly stops and I see all six of them in front of me.

"Where the hell you at Kylo! Can't face me yourself??"

All six then charge at me, and I tense up immediately, but I'm ready.

Here goes nothing

I try my hardest to pry them all of me, I parry a few, dodge some more, one swings at me, I duck, grab his weapon and move it to hit another one of the soldiers.

I then get kneed in the stomach, I recover immediately and flip kick one directly in the chin. I land and lunge my saber behind me, stabbing one of them and I kick them off the blade.

They continue to relentlessly come towards me, I block one with one hand and force push one with my other hand. I'm currently locked with a soldier and he is getting the upper hand.

"URGH!" I yell out when I get hit in the back by one of them, I lose the lock battle and get hit directly in the chin by the one I was previous in lock with.

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