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     The minutes turned into hours as I waited for any kind of word from Kastiel. Hours slowly and painfully morphed into days. He'd been gone for eight days. Eight whole days

     I tried my hardest to go on like normal, but my body was making it impossible. My skin missed his touch, his radiant heat. It was like the few physical exchanges we shared had me addicted already, and the withdrawal was setting in. I craved him- his intoxicating scent, his soothing voice, I missed all of him. With the lingering open ended question of what was going to happen between Kastiel and I, I anxiously anticipated his return.

     Caroline had done as good a job as she could at keeping me distracted while he was gone. Since Dhalia had informed me that Kastiel and some of his close warriors had to leave, including Noah, we stuck together to help each other stay sane. Apparently this was a part of the process to become Alpha. I wasn't too sure of all the details, as Dhalia wasn't very forthcoming with information. From what I understood, it was a very old tradition where the current Alpha and the future Alpha exchange power. Alpha Marcus will pass down his power to Kastiel, but in the process they both are very weak. Hence why everyone is so silent. The secrecy of the event is imperative, because if something were to happen to either of the Alphas before the transfer is complete, both of their lives would be at risk. 

     Today, Caroline and I were doing our usual every day routine. I took her along the same path Kas and I had taken every morning and she raced me to the lake. I knew I could easily outrun her, but I kept a steady pace to help as much time go by as possible. Sweat was making my shirt stick to my back by the time we reached the water's edge. Caroline had her arms resting over her head, attempting to mask how winded she was. I squatted at the edge of the lake and pretended to study the tadpoles dancing under the surface, giving Caroline enough time to catch her breath. 

     I need to see you in my office.

     The commanding voice of Alpha Marcus entered my thoughts, and the glassy look in Caroline's eyes told me I wasn't the only one being summoned. A sudden sliver of panic was lurking in the back of my mind.

     We took off back to the pack house, racing each other again. This time I surged forward and sprinted at full speed, leaving Caroline behind in a flash. I was just starting to break a sweat when I flew through the halls and found Alpha Marcus' office door. I took a deep breath and knocked, waiting for his permission before entering. He sat calmly at his desk, his usually hard demeanor was unnaturally soft. Dark circles under his eyes were the only proof of the changes he was undergoing through the Alpha transfer process. He motioned for me to sit, but I respectfully shook my head. I was too anxious to sit, a thousand bad scenarios running through my head. 

     "Is everything ok?" I asked, my voice coming out very softly, as if I was afraid to ask.

     He didn't have to ask to know I was asking about Kastiel. He nodded knowingly, and met my gaze with kind eyes. "Everything is fine. It's going very well, so far. He's very strong." 

     His words calmed my nerves slightly. Regardless of what he said, I'd still worry. At least I knew we weren't receiving bad news. Now I could only wonder what we were in for.

     When Caroline bounded through the door, her hair was disheveled and sweat beaded on her forehead. She was panting erratically when she plopped into a chair in front of the desk and she shot me a death glare. "Why... would you... do that... to me?" she huffed, in between gulps of air. I couldn't help but giggle at her exhaustion. Kastiel really had trained me well. Alpha Marcus cleared his throat and we both turned our attention to him. I crossed my arms in front of me as I listened. 

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