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Warning: There's a graphic fight scene coming up, it's got a little gore so beware.     

"Are you... stretching?" I squinted at Sam, who had his leg curled behind him and a hold on his ankle. His cheeks turned red and if I didn't have enough anger in me to fuel a fighter jet, I would've thought it was funny. He dropped his leg back down to the ground and averted his eyes to the ground. I really should take into consideration how much shit I give Sam, but that would have to wait.

     Noah was just behind me on my right side, waiting for my signal. Honing in with my sensitive hearing, I could easily pinpoint a group of the hunters by their obnoxiously loud breathing. The majority of them were gathered in the brush on the outskirts of the driveway, but Dominick and a few others were in the small opening of grass and smaller bushes about fifty feet or so away from the tree we were convening behind. Some made the attempt to duck behind the thick trees, but others braced their weapons against the trunks in an effort to intimidate us. I scoffed at the thought of how careless and sloppy they were in their attack, almost as if they really didn't know much about werewolves as a whole. They didn't bother to mask their scents, and they attacked at night even though the lack of light does little to impair our vision. I motioned to Noah where we were gonna strike and he nodded in agreement.

     Crouched as low as possible around the base of the tree, I waited for that critical second. That moment when he realized we weren't responding, so he turned his head to looked to someone else for validation. When his head cocked to the side, and another bulky man started to step forward, I pushed out my voice to every mind I could reach.


     Every warrior wolf leaped from their positions and into action, and Sam and Noah followed me as I launched straight for Dominick. Our above average speed caught them off guard, as expected, and we were halfway through the clearing before they even realized what was happening and tried to react. By then it was too late, as I heard screams of surprise that quickly turned to cries of agony. Mid stride, the tension in my muscles released as my human form was quickly shed, an earth rattling growl rang from my jaws as my wolf charged at the man holding my father hostage.

     I caught the quick twitch of his hand as he started to curl his finger around the trigger, but his reaction time was no match for mine. My muzzle struck out and my sharp canines clamped onto his shoulder as I violently ripped his body away from my father. I tossed his screeching frame to the side just as my father was about to collapse and nudged him with my nose to keep him upright. He was too week to react, but I saw his aged eyed peering at me, a world of emotions swirling behind them. I gently pushed him with my snout into the arms of Sam, careful not to hurt him anymore than he already was. He was still in his human form so he could get my father away to safety, and he quickly scooped him up and took off in the direction of the pack house.

     Knowing my dad was in good hands, I turned back to where Dominick was laying in the grass, bleeding profusely from his shoulder where a gouging bite mark was. My eyes lingered curiously at the river of crimson running over his neck and chest, and seeping through his clothes and the ground beneath him. The copper taste lingered on my tongue and the smell of his life blood steadily wafted in my nose. Guns were popping off around me, but my sights were set as I stalked lowly toward him. With pointed teeth bared and deep growls rumbling from my chest, I locked in on his wide eyes. I heard a small grunt escape his lips as his head jerked from one side to the other in a pathetic attempt to move. His body was paralyzed from the neck down, as I had apparently severed some pretty important arteries and hit a few nerves. Good. I wanted him to feel as helpless as my father did when he was beaten and tortured. 

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