1- Edith Blythe

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(A/N Despite the writing style, this story is a work of fiction)

Hey everyone! I'm Edith, and this following story is an account of one of my most crazy high school experiences. Did that sentence hook you in yet? Well hopefully it did, because now we've got to move into the background. It makes sense that this story should start with some exposition, as most stories do. 

The first day of high school is a wild ride. The upperclassmen look at you weird when you walk down the halls, because "Omg the freshmen are so short!" While at the same time, the campus itself is so much bigger than middle school that you can't find anyone that you already know. 

In the midst of all of this chaos, students are constantly running into wrong classrooms and shuffling throughout the halls in a hurry. It's something the seniors laughed at. But as a fellow freshman, there's nothing much you can do. 

One of the students to run into my first period classroom late was Jonah Parker. At first glance he looked like the embodiment of a nerd. Glasses, clean converse, and pile of books on his arm. It looked like Jonah's cheap backpack had already managed to spontaneously combust within the few minutes it had taken to get to his first class. But at second glance, maybe he was kinda cute? I mean, his face looked pretty decent. 

Jonah sat down in the seat next to me, probably since it was the closest to the door. I looked him up and down again, trying to think of how to greet him. "That looks pretty unfortunate" I whispered in regards to the broken backpack. Although I meant it to come out sincere, I ended up laughing a little while saying it. 

Jonah looked at me to nod sadly and said "it's fine." That definitely made me feel bad about making fun of the backpack. My cheeks turned coca cola red and I tried to avoid any communication for the rest of class.

Turns out that my freshman teacher was really bad at making a seating chart. We ended up staying in those same first day seats for the entire year. There were students who tried to protest the decision, and one of the students even tried making a meme account to make fun of our teacher. But it didn't really end up taking off, because they was easily overshadowed by the Chemistry memes an upperclassman had created.

Over the year, I didn't really end up talking to Jonah about non-academic things too often. Both of us were pretty focused students, and that reflected well on our grades. I got all A's, and by slightly stalkerish means I was able to figure out that Jonah was getting near perfect grades as well. However, there were a few times when me and Jonah made small talk. 

It was enough to make me have a giant crush on him.

And even when I didn't see him all through Sophomore year, somehow I still managed to have a crush on him when I saw him again junior year.  

Becoming an upperclassman, most of your peers are starting to date, get drunk at parties, and occasionally get pregnant. It's a big realization to come to, transitioning from innocent freshmen/sophomore life to that. But to my advantage, I was able to avoid all of that. Why party when there's grades to worry about?

Never mind my tangent, let's get back to the story. So I was kind of happy on the first day of junior year when Jonah was in my history class. I kinda still had a crush on him from freshman year, but mostly it was just nice getting to work with someone with my same academic prowess. The year went on normally, and I eventually realized that the whole thing, crush and all, was quite stupid. 

By the end of junior year, I was bored. Not only of school, though that was a large contributing factor. But more than that, I was starting to feel quite a bit complacent with my interests and hobbies. 

In the midst of my boredom, I made one huge mistake. And that is what we're talking about today. Hopefully you'll take this as a cautionary tale.

-Edith Blythe

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