19- The Last Day

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Edith's POV

In the end, my junior prom went nothing like I had expected. If you would've asked me a few years ago, I probably wouldn't even believe that I would go to prom. Let alone that I'd have my first kiss outside the dance with a guy who's not even my date. 

But I guess second semester depression can lead to a lot of unexpected outcomes. 

You might be a little curious with what happened to everyone after that night. Personally I didn't run into Camila after our conversation in the bathroom. I noticed her a few times on the dance floor, and she seemed to be having fun, so I let her be. I figured she would carpool home with someone else to avoid seeing Justin, so I wasn't surprised when she wasn't there after the dance. As for Jonah and Cynthia, they seemed to make a pretty cute couple. On the car ride back from the dance they sat next to each other, Cynthia talking a mile a minute so that Jonah wouldn't have to. I was curious about Justin as well, but he was taking another car back to his house along with a few of the others, so I didn't see how he was doing. 

Anyway, it's been awhile since then and things have progressed. Today is the last day of school for the year, which means we're all about to be high school seniors. But probably even more exciting is that summer is coming up. For now, however, it's only lunchtime.

After the bell rings, I head straight toward the quad, where I wait for Camila. I found out that she is dating somebody else now. Apparently they met at some prom after party, which I'm suspicious is just a rebound. But Camila swears that he's much better than Justin, and definitely not gay. For now, I'll take her word for it. But there's a part of me that's fairly sure they won't be together come senior year.

Like usual, Camila is late to lunch. And I'm about to give up on her coming at all when she comes running over. "Oh my gosh! You have to hear what's happening with Cynthia and Jonah," she yells.

I'm kinda curious, considering what happened with Cynthia and Jonah after prom. The Sunday after the dance, Cynthia posted a bunch of pictures with Jonah to her instagram. Come Monday, everyone was waiting to see if the pair were a couple. Sure enough, Camila confirmed that they had been spotting holding hands. And later that week, Cynthia apparently changed her phone wallpaper to a picture of Jonah's face. Everything was confirmed when they finally posted to Instagram using the term boyfriend and girlfriend. 

But, after all of that, they had broken up. I had been disappointed, since I kinda gave myself credit for getting them together. But the fight they had was no lie. Camila only knew bits and pieces, but she told me everything. It had something to do with summer plans, and possibly paper plates, but I couldn't be too sure. 

That's what I figured this was. More details about the argument leading to Jonia's demise. But by the look on Camila's face, maybe I'm wrong.

"They got back together," she whispers hurriedly. My jaw drops, and I am at once skeptical and confused. 

"So soon? Wasn't their fight like a huge deal?" I ask. Camila nods quickly, which must hurt her head, and then leans over to share more details. But we're interrupted by Nolan, who sits down next to me and raises his eyebrows at us. 

Oh yeah. I should probably mention what happened with me and Nolan after our little kiss outside the dance. It's not really like anything too huge has happened, mostly because of the looming pressure of finals. But we have been texting often, and even went on a few dates. What's even more exciting is this summer, because we both got summer jobs together working at In-N-Out Burgers. It's not the most romantic place, sure, but I'm looking forward to spending time with him. 

"Is it true that Jonah is back with Cynthia again?" Camila asks. I shoot her a glare, knowing she's just taking advantage of Nolan's friendship with him.

Nolan seems confused, "where'd you hear that?" But Camila doesn't budge, instead sharing her bizarre amount of evidence with him. 

"Hey," I interrupt. "Me and Nolan should get going. We're going to pick up lunch for some of his friends from Chipotle. Do you want anything?" 

"Ooo yeah. Could you just get me some chips and guac?" Camila requests. I give her a thumbs up, before heading off with Nolan to where his car is parked.

"Hey look, you should know that Camila can't keep a secret. If she asks you about drama or anything, you should just ignore her," I caution Jonah as we walk.

He chuckles a little at this, "Oh trust me, I know."

I know he's referring to when she told him about my feelings toward Jonah. It makes me reflect back on the past semester, and I finally see it from another angle. Instead of embarrassed, I feel like almost a different person.

"That was quite a ride, wasn't it?" I joke. Nolan laughs along, and we spend awhile going through all the memories. Then, he slips his hand in mine and as we walk, swings our arms back and forth. I can't help but smile, but feel disappointed once we get to the car and have to let go. 

"There is one thing I regret though," Nolan suddenly interjects. I'm curious to what he's referring to, because I am extremely confused.

All I can manage is a slight "Huh?" 

I figure I must look really confused because Nolan breaks out with a wide smile and chuckles softly. "You never got a proper promposal!" 

At this point we're both in the car, so our obnoxious laughter bothers no one. 

Once I have a minute to catch my breath I make sure to confirm that, "No actually, I'm good." But he doesn't seem to listen to me. Instead, he puts the car in drive and we start on our way toward Chipotle. 

I assume that the conversation's over, until he leans over and whispers in my ear, "I guess I gotta wait until next year then." 

So I guess that's it, the end of the story. For all you guys who read until the end, congratulations. You made it through. That's something that was difficult for even me to do. Hopefully you see now that sometimes a little bit of struggle and chaos can lead to something better in the end. That high school is sometimes different than what you make it out to be. And that sometimes it's worth taking the risk, even if it doesn't go quite according to plan.

- Edith Blythe

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