7- The Phone Call

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Camila's POV.

I was surprised to see Edith after school today. She had been pretty wrapped up in schoolwork for the past couple of weeks, and hardly ever came to the quad during lunch. But when she had said that Justin told Nolan the secret I'd shared, I was even more shocked.

Of course I was a little dramatic in my apology. Looking back on it, I realize that Edith probably wasn't that comforted by it. I've noticed her become more stand-offish the past couple of years, but I'm still trying my best to be a good friend to her. Although it's difficult, Edith helped me out a lot after I was humiliated by that viral video of my cheer fail in middle school. Now, I just see it as my turn to help her out.

I call Justin soon after Edith leaves, in order to ask him about what happened. We've been dating for the past year, which is a long period of time for high school relationships. 

"Hey Cam, what's up?" he answers the call.

"Did you tell Nolan about Edith liking Jonah?" I ask him straight up. I don't sound angry, but I. also don't have the same bubbly tone to my voice. He catches onto it quick.

"Oh no, did it get back to Edith? I didn't think he'd tell her," Justin responds. He seems genuinely guilty, but I'm still confused.

"Yeah, it did. You know how little Edith trusts me already, how could you just tell somebody her secret?" I ask Justin. A part of me is happy that I can't see his face on the other end of the line, because I'm not usually too good at being angry.

"I wasn't going to, but then I was hanging out with them, Nolan said that Jonah only agreed to go with Edith because he was too nervous to ask out the girl he actually liked. It kinda made it seem like Jonah never really liked Edith, and I wanted to convince him to stop leading her on. But the only way without him knowing everything would be to tell Nolan." Justin explains. 

His explanation kind of checks out, but I'm still angry about him not coming to me first. I also start to feel kind of bad for Edith. She somehow stumbled into this huge boiling pot of drama. Now, she's being burned alive.

"I mean I guess that makes sense. But why didn't he just go to Jonah about it? Why did he have to confront Edith? And who the hell does Jonah have a crush on?" I start on rambling, getting a sick satisfaction from the gossip.

"Jonah likes Cynthia. But as for the other stuff, I have no idea. I'm sorry I told him, but I really thought it'd be better if he knew," Justin explains. 

"It's ok, but next time please come to me first. It would've just been so much better if Edith didn't know about any of this. She's already so stressed about school, I'm worried for her," I tell Justin, so that he knows I forgive him.

"Yeah, I won't make the mistake of gossiping again," Jonah promises, and I believe him. "But, don't you kinda think that Edith deserves to know? Who knows, maybe Nolan told her because he knows me and you wouldn't do anything?" 

That question takes me off guard. If you think about it, Justin is kind of right. I wouldn't tell Edith about Jonah's feelings myself, because of how it would worry her. Jonah is so quiet that I doubt he'd be able to get the nerve up to turn her down. And where does that leave Edith? Blissfully unaware of the possible landmines around her?

Or, does it leave her vulnerable to being heartbroken?

"There's no way. It would paint him in such a bad light." I respond, but a part of me isn't quite sure. Nolan never really seemed like the kind of person to bend toward public perception. Ever since he got rejected from the Varsity football team, he seemed like a completely different person than in middle school, when he hung out with the future jocks and cheerleaders. 

"I dunno, but I should get going. I'll text you later?" Justin responds. I realize that I'm one of the last people in the student parking lot, so I agree.

"Yeah, love you" I say before hanging up. Then I start up the ignition and reverse my car out of the parking lot. 

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