18- Heartbreaker

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Nolan's POV.

Hello, I'm Nolan Lee. I guess until now it hasn't been explicitly clear what happened to make me decide to go to prom without a date. I mean it is because of my ex girlfriend, but there's more to it than that.

In middle school, I was one of the most popular kids in my class. Everyone expected me to be a big sports star in high school, especially my friends. We played a lot back then, mostly just for fun but also trying to gear up for high school. Then freshman year came around, and I was turned down from both football teams, JV and Varsity. Quickly, I lost the expectation of athletic success as well as my entire friend group. 

In an effort to maintain my popularity and a sense of validation, I started dating. A lot. I figured if I could make a bunch of girls like me, I couldn't be too much of a loser. It also built up my street cred. But ultimately, I would always nitpick and find a reason to run away from the relationship. No matter who it was.  

They called me a heartbreaker. I had a reputation. Yet still, every few months it seemed I was in a new relationship, sometimes even with someone from before. It seemed being deemed a heartbreaker didn't quite stop girls from dating me.

That all changed with my ex. She was pretty good at reading people, and unlike every other girl I had dated until that point, I felt like she really understood me. I confessed things that I had never spoken aloud, and she reciprocated with complete honesty. 

I fell for her completely. I needed her.

So when she said that she didn't feel that way about me anymore, it wrecked me. I hadn't realized how dependent my sense of self was on our relationship until she left. I hadn't realized that I was being selfish, taking more from her than she took from me.

There was no way in hell that I was going to repeat that mistake ever again. So, Nolan the heartbreaker is out of commission. I haven't gone on a single date ever since then, instead prioritizing my schoolwork and my mental health. I'd rather die alone, for all I care, than deal with another messy relationship.

But you would be wrong if you thought that meant I had stopped noticing girls. I had not. Well, more specifically, there was this one girl in my chemistry class. I definitely noticed her.

Edith Blythe. 

Before the whole promposal situation, I thought that Edith was cute and kind of had a thing for her. I knew I didn't want a repeat of what happened with my ex, but that didn't stop me from considering it. It's not like I was planning anything, I was just being hopeful. 

But then Jonah told me that she was his date to prom. I was surprised, mostly, but also worried because I didn't want her getting hurt. And on top of that, Justin told me that Edith had a crush on Jonah. I couldn't imagine not telling her, but then it would paint me as a jerk. Figuring I had lost my shot anyway, I went for it. And I was right. Edith did not take my confrontation well and she completely avoided me after that. 

Now here I am. I know that this dance probably doesn't mean as much to Edith as it does to me, but I'm okay with that. At least, for like 30 seconds, I don't feel quite as alone.

After the song ends, I'm not quite sure what'll happen. Edith glances around, presumably to look for her other friends, but after awhile turns back to me. Before I can ask what she wants to do, music blasts from the speakers once again. 

"I love this song!" she yells. It's some bubblegum pop song that I wouldn't normally want to listen to, but sounds better in the whole prom atmosphere. So I gesture toward the nearest clump of people, and we start dancing with people neither of us know. 

We spend the rest of the night together, jumping and partying with the occasional ice cream break. It's the most fun I've had in awhile. When my feet start aching, I wonder how Edith is surviving the night in her shoes. She doesn't seem at all fazed by them, smiling wide and eyes gazing at the lights ahead. But I figure that heels must hurt at least a little, all things considered. 

Finally, the DJ announces that it's the last song and Edith suggests that we should leave early to avoid the rush. Although I know that our group lyft is already scheduled and will get here at the same time regardless, I follow her. We're both obviously tired, and it wouldn't hurt to get some cool air before it's time to leave. Also, considering we've only said a few words to each other, this is my chance to get to know her.

"So did prom live up to all the hype?" I ask as soon as we're in another room.

"It was definitely a work out," Edith jokes. She laughs a little and then looks down at the ground, not quite answering my question. 

"The pickup is scheduled for fifteen minutes now, but everyone else should come soon." I tell her. This time she nods, and then looks down at the ground again.

"You know, I really should thank you," Edith says quietly.

"Oh no, it was fun. Plus we were both left dateless anyway," I explain, figuring that she's talking about my offer to slow dance. 

But she interrupts, "No, I don't mean about that." This gets my attention. If she doesn't mean about asking her to dance then I'm not sure what she's referring to.

Edith lifts her gaze to mine and says "I'm talking about what you told me in chem. If I hadn't known that, I probably would've acted like an idiot today. Or, um, even more of an idiot."

That is definitely not what I was expecting. I was sure that she would still be mad about the fact that I had pressured her to cancel her plans. Or at the very least, would be embarrassed that I knew about her feelings for Jonah. But instead, she looks genuinely thankful. I'm not exactly sure what to say.

"No, it's not that big of a deal," I mention. And then, on a whim, I add "It's not like I was being completely honest either."

This seems to take Edith off guard. She sits up a little straighter and furrows her eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

Although I kind of regret ever bringing it up, I know this is my only shot. So with a shaky breath, I admit "I left out one key reason why I was trying to get you to cancel your plans with Jonah... I was jealous." 

Edith's eyes widen as she stares me on directly. She seems to be thinking of something to say, but can't, so her slightly open mouth quivers. I'm not sure what to make of her reaction until I see a blush forming on her face. And then a hint of a smile.

"You were jealous?" Edith whispers hesitantly. She seems flattered at the idea, suddenly acting more shy than she had the rest of the night.

"Yeah, I guess you weren't the only one with a secret crush"

At this, Edith giggles cutely and doesn't add anything else. We're both still making eye contact, and I'm not sure what'll happen next. I shift my gaze to her lips a few times, wondering if maybe we would kiss. After a few moments in silence I'm worried that I'll lose my chance. But I don't want to make the same mistakes I had before, being vulnerable only to be torn apart. 

I'm not sure if I imagine Edith's eye's flitting between my eyes and my lips. I'm not sure if she had always been so close to my face. But just in case, I lean in slowly, not wanting to make her uncomfortable. I close my eyes only a few inches from her face.

And then our lips touch. 

Our kiss is not very long. It's no tongue filled make out session or anything like I'd done with my exes. But for some reason, it feels much more special. Maybe it's because I feel vulnerable for the first time since my ex broke my heart. Maybe it's because of Edith's little nervous smile afterward. Either way, it's special. 

And as quickly as it all started, the moment is interrupted by a sound inside. Then a crowd of teenagers rush out of the venue's front door, signaling that Junior Prom is officially over.

Personally, I think it was worth the hype.

- Nolan Lee

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