4- Asking

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Edith's POV.

It's after 6th period. It's finally time.

I walk right up to Jonah Parker's locker, waiting for him to get out of class. The adrenaline that I'm feeling is pretty much the only motivation I have to actually do this. It's like the energy that comes with embarrassing yourself. And although I know he'll say no, somehow I know that the rejection will bring me satisfaction. Closure.

"Hey" Jonah says once he notices me standing awkwardly in front of his locker. "What's up? Is it about the research paper peer grading? If so don't worry I gave you a full score" he rambles on, obviously slightly uncomfortable.

"I was wondering if you'd want to go to prom with me" I spit out quickly. Maybe there's a reason that girls always try to make the guy ask. It's not fun.

Jonah looks visibly shocked, so I try to reason with him a bit more. "Camila is already planning to go with your group, so I was just wondering if we could go as friends? I know you're not seeing anyone, so I figured I would ask."

All of the things I'm saying have been carefully planned out over the past few weeks in order to justify my asking him out. It started with me asking around about Jonah's relationship status. I then suggested to Camila that she should go with his group of friends. And now, I don't have to worry about it being a lie.

"Oh" Jonah responds. In the seconds afterward, there is quite an awkward silence. For those few seconds, I'm sure that he'll say no. Or that maybe he'll get nervous and just leave without saying anything. The second option seems more likely, as I've never found Jonah to be a particularly conversational person.

Not saying that he's not confident. He's just... quiet.

"Yeah I guess it makes sense," he responds nonchalantly, as if he doesn't really care either way. On the other hand, I have to pretend not to be excited, which is quite difficult. Cause he said yes. And now we are going to prom together.

I kinda wish I hadn't asked him to begin with. Now I actually have to go with him? That sounds a lot scarier than it did earlier. Very awkward and cringey and yikes. What am I gonna do?

"Cool, we can figure out details later since prom's not for awhile" I say, trying to act normal. Jonah nods in response, and then I slow motion turn around in order to try to leave the awkward situation.

Why did I do that?

I get all the way to the student parking lot before I crack. My hands start shaking and I'm regretting my entire life's actions. Nobody just goes up to their long time crush and just straight up asks them to prom like that. It's insane and far too bold for someone like me who's basically the human embodiment of a hermit crab.

But then I'm picturing us together at prom dancing and a part of me is kinda excited. Like maybe even though we are just going as friends it'll end up being too romantic and chemistry will just end up developing. But on the other hand, it could be so awkward that it ruins my chances with him completely. Either way, I have a headache and my hands feel kinda numb so I doubt that I can drive myself home right now.

My first instinct is to walk home, but at the rate my mind is spiraling that's probably not the best idea so I do the second best thing. I call Camila.

"Hey Camila I know I blew you off at lunch today but I'm so sorry and I really need someone to talk to right now." I tell her through the phone.

I hear some chatter in the background, but can only clearly make out Alice's voice. I wonder if Camila is ignoring me. But then she responds "Okay, I gotchu this time but please do not change your mind again."

A part of me is relieved, but I also feel somewhat guilty. Judging from the time it had been since school had gotten out, I guessed that Camila had not gotten her boba. They would have just gotten there, and then I call and ask her to drive back immediately? Not a great friend move on my end.

But mostly I'm just thankful that she's coming by, and desperate for some comforting words about my situation. Camila has known about my crush on Jonah forever, and despite hanging out with the biggest gossips at school, she had always been tight lipped about it. Of course she, out of anyone, would be proud of me.

I see Camila's silver car pull up to the student lot and park in the spot closest to me. I jump in the passenger side and prepare for her questions.

"What s it?" Camila asks simply. I had been expecting more complaint at the whole driving situation, but for some reason this makes me even more uncomfortable. It is quite un-Camila-like.

"Ok so first of all, it's not a big deal, really, it's not. But, like, also, what would you say if I kinda asked Jonah Parker to go to prom?" I ramble non-coherently.

Camila raises her eyebrows and puts her hand on her chin like she's in deep thought. "Did you?"

I nod back very quickly, so that it kinda makes my head hurt.

Her tone automatically shifts "Well, I honestly think that it would be awkward between you two anyway. I mean, it's one thing to ask someone out, but to actually carry out small talk? You're better off-"

"Camila. He said yes." I cut her off.

I can see the regret in Camila's eyes as she shifts her argument. "Oh, well then that's going to be so much fun. It could work. I'm already going with his friend group, so we'll be together if you need help!"

I must admit, her words do kinda comfort me. But still, I think about what she said before. I'm quiet, Jonah's quiet. How do two quiet people communicate?

Camila drives me in a few circles around town, and we discuss the situation a little bit more. Once I feel comfortable enough, she drops me back off at school so that I can drive home. I wave goodbye to her, and she's off. Probably to go meet back up with Alice.

When I get home, I have a new mindset about it. My promposal was, in the traditional way, successful. Although we were going as friends, it was still something I can remember and look back on in the future. How often do girls actually get to go to prom with a long time crush they hardly know?

Oh well, until tomorrow I guess.

- Edith Blythe

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