YOU ARE READING Book of Stuff Acak Random stuff, lyrics, quotes #5secondsofsummer #addtolibrary #ashtonirwin #bands #california #calumhood #craziness #lovelytheband #lukehemmings #memories #michaelcifford #michaeljackson #mixedgenre #onedirection #quotes #randomthoughts #relatable #sadness #shawnmendes #songlyrics #songs #stuff #unfinished #5 7 1 0 by tarabanana101 by tarabanana101 Follow Share Posting ke Profilmu Bagikan melalui email Report Story Send Send to Friend Share Posting ke Profilmu Bagikan melalui email Laporkan cerita "You say it's easy but who's to say that we'll be able to keep it this way" -Straight From The Heart, Bryan Adams