Chapter 42

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As we come to a stop in front of my house, we sit in the deafingly awkward silence. After a long moment, I decide "I'm gonna go..."

He nods, instantly, before I grip my bag in hand and step out of the car.

As soon as I'm inside, I rest my head on the back of the door and whisper "What did you do, Draco?"

"What did you do?" Harry asks. When I turn around, I find he leans against the doorway between the hallway and the dining room.

I stand there a long moment, debating if I should tell him, before taking in a deep breath "I slept with Thom's little brother."

He cocks an eyebrow to me and I push the hair out of my face "Why'd you do that?"

I shrug, before taking off my coat "It felt good."

He stands there for a moment, before asking "What's in the bag?"

I look down at the black bag and declare "I was going to... surprise... Thom..." I clear my throat "For his birthday..."

He holds out his hand and I hand it over. Silently, I follow him into the dining room.

Sitting the bag down on the table, he pulls out the black lace jock and scoffs, before pulling out the harness "What are you going to tell him? Thomas?"

As he places them back into the bag, I shrug, before asking "What do you have against Thom?"

He stands there for a long moment, before stating "Thomas drives a silver Vauxhall Astra."

I nod, before asking "What does that have to do with anything?"

He looks me over and declares "His license plate is WS56 ZXP."

I furrow my brow and ask "What are you getting at, Pottah?"

He twists his cane in hand and tells me "He was wearing a dark grey trenchcoat, with a black and white striped shirt. He was wearing black Van's, and ripped black skinny jeans."

I cock an eyebrow to him and ask "You've met him, before?"

He taps the cane against the floor, before speaking, emotionlessly "He slammed on his brakes, got out of his car, and ran over to me."

I give a confused look and he explains "He thought I was dead, and started to panic. And he left me in the ditch."

I cock my eyebrow to him and threaten "Don't you dare drag his name through the mud, just to cover your own arse!"

He takes in a deep breath "In part, the collision was my fault, but he was the one that left me to die, Draco!"

I furrow my brow and hiss "Just because yo-"

"He had a pair of fuzzy pink dice handing in his rearview mirror." He tells me and I know he's lying.

I scoff, before calling him out "Thom would never have a pair of pink fluffy dice, Pottah."

He gives me a knowing look and I scoff in anger "Why are you acting like a complete arsehole?"

He shakes his head "I'm telling you, Draco, it was him."

I give him an appalled sneer, before spitting "Go fuck yourself!"

I quickly grab the bag and start to storm past him, only he grips onto my wrist. I push him back, instantly.

He knocks back onto the table and we stare at each other for a solid moment.

Something in me turns at the sight of him and I pull him back to me. As our lips met, the argument ends.

Minutes pass with our desperate snog, until I start to mess with his shirt. He looks at me, eagerly "Your room?"

I nod, instantly, before he takes his cane and follows after me.


As I walk through the halls of work, the next day, the thoughts of last night fill my head.

Harry gave me my first ever blowjob. He kissed my scars, and the dark mark. And after all of this, we rocked together in the most intense and intimate intercourse I've ever been apart of.

As I walk past the nurses station, Jackie calls out "Draco!" I snap out of my daze and she asks "Are you alright?"

I nod, before declaring "Just thinking about one of my patients."

She narrows her gaze at me and whispers "I meant, are you taking your meds?" I cock an eyebrow to her and she whispers "You seem a little dull, dear."

I sigh, before telling her "I take my meds." She nods, before I shrug "Something weird happened, and I feel a bit... weird... about it."

She gives a confused look "What happened?"

I give an embarrassed chuckle, before lying "Mister Wallace and Miss McFey are back together."

She hums and asks "Did you see them together?"

I nod. In truth, I did. They're too little old people who are on constant care.

She scoffs, before asking "Did you realise that you'll be like that, one day? Old?"

I scoff at her, before declaring "I'm hardly sexually active, now. I seriously doubt I'll have any libido when I'm eighty."

She hums, before asking "Think you and Thomas will get there, one day?"

I take in a deep breath, before looking down and nodding "I'd wish so." She smiles at me, before I walk off.


The instance I get back to the house, I step into the living room to find Harry is the only one home "Don't you ever leave?" I remark.

He shrugs, before tapping his leg with his cane "Bum leg. What's the use?"

I sigh, before pinching the bridge of my nose and telling him "You have to get out of the house!"

He bats his eyes at me, before asking "What are you doing, tonight?"

I give a weak smile "It's Thom's birthday. We're having a dinner for him."

He nods, before asking "Are you going to tell him?"

I furrow my brow and ask "Tell him what?"

He smirks, softly "You slept with his brother. You slept with me."

I give him annoyed "Nothing happened between us." And with that, I walk upstairs to change.

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