Chapter 49

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When we walk up to the casket, I stare down his corpse and something in me aches.

I can't stop tears from streaming down my face. Harry looks over to me, before asking "What are you thinking, Draco?"

I shake my head, before he whispers "Why don't we have a seat?" I nod and he takes hold of my shoulder to lead me to the pews.

We start to walk through the pews, only Alice grabs my hand and whispers "He'd want you here."

As we sit in the first pew, tears just stream down my face. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look past Alice to find it's Michael. He silently offers me a tissue.

As I take one, he gives a weak smile "I like your hair." I can tell he's saying it just to make me feel a bit better.

Alice nods "It looks natural."

"It is." Harry states.

As tears continue to fall, I can feel my insides boiling in hatred.

Jackie brushes past me and whispers "We've missed you at work, Draco. The whole staff wanted to come for support."

Harry looks over my shoulder and tells me "There's gotta be a dozen nurses back there."

I look over my shoulder to find some familiar faces. When I look back to the tissue, I speak heavily "I didn't want them to see me like this."

Jackie gives a confused look "Like what?"

Harry explains "He's been manic. We've messed with his medication. It wasn't until yesterday that he got outta bed."

I furrow my brow and declare "It's weird, you know? Going from feeling nothing, then everything, then weightless, then getting your heart ripped out... it's just-"

"Insanity?" Alice asks and I give her an unamused look.

A few minutes later, a priest starts his prayer. After another ten minutes, Michael stands and walks to the podium.

He motions towards the photo of Thom, before asking "What can I say about Thom that we don't already know?"

He looks out to the chapel and declares "He was a brother, a son, a friend, a teacher." He looks to me and declares "A lover."

I look down as he chuckles "I remember one day, he calls me up and tells me 'I just had sex'."

I furrow my brow and look up at him to find he has a confused look on his face "I said 'okay, and?'."

He smirks "He tells me 'With one of my students parents'." The chapel chuckles and he shakes his head "If you know Thom, you know that he had the weirdest relationships possible."

He counts off "His student's dad, that one uni professor, that seventy years old guy, and let's not forget the: mad, model, witch, doctor, ex gangster, who may or may not be dying of AIDs."

There's a few more chuckles, before Michael sighs "I remember the day they met, I get a ring at like ten, about this amazingly weird date, were they maimed and patched up a nine year old, talked about a fascist group, and wrapped it up with a big sloppy kiss."

He looks directly at me and nods "He told me, that night, that he couldn't imagine a life without Draco Malfoy. He told me that you could've smashed his heart into a million peices, and he would simply ask you for the glue and hand his heart back to you, Draco."

As tears just stream down my face, I struggle to keep the sobbing in, before he continues "He told me that, if you really did have AIDs, and only had a year to live, he'd gratefully hold your hand and carry you through your final year."

My body aches from trying to keep the sobs in. I stand and whisper to Harry "I've gotta get outta here."

When I stand and move past Harry, I can hear him standing up as well. As I walk towards the back of the church, I struggle to get my shit together.

As soon as I'm outside, I rest my head against the wall and let it out. When Harry walks out, he leans on the wall next to me and asks "Are you okay?"

I shake my head, before crying "I loved him!"

He crosses his arms and nods "I know you did."

My chest burns and I squat down to try to calm myself "He was nice, and sweet, and he made me feel like I was perfect!"

He rests his hand on my back and sighs "Let it out, Draco."

I let out a high pitched whine "I killed 'im!" He sighs and I continue "He was coughing up blood and begging me for help! And I snapped his neck!"

He's silent for a moment, before asking "Do you still love him, knowing what he did?"

I take a moment, before nodding "I love him."

He's silent for a long time, before reassuring "I still love you, even if you killed someone."

I can't help but scoff in my emotion "Go fuck yourself."

I stand and look him in the eyes "What kind of arsehole shows up to a funeral and tries to get in the lover's pants!"

He stands there in shock and I hiss "You know what, Pottah! You've been a royal pain in the arse, recently! If you would've just stayed away, maybe I'd be happy! Maybe, I wouldn't be bipolar! Maybe, I wouldn't have fucked up the only good relationship I had by fucking the two guys that would fuck him up the most!"

I hear the door shut, before Michael asks "Who else did you fuck?"

I sigh in annoyance, before turning around to find Alice and Michael standing there. Alice glares at Michael "You slept with Draco?"

Harry tosses his hand up "So have I, by the way."

I glare back at him and his smile drops. When I look back to Alice and Michael, Alice speaks in a low growl "You fucked our dead brother's boyfriend?"

Michael gives a nervous look "He wasn't dead, then..."

I narrow my gaze and hiss "It doesn't mean you could get up and fawn over my relationship with Thom!"

Michael backs up a bit, before I turn and start towards my car. Harry starts to walk with me, only I turn and growl "Do not get in my car!"

He furrows his brow and reminds "We're ten kilometers from the house! I can't just walk ba-"

I furrow my brow and toss my mobile to him, before climbing into the car.

As I start it up, Harry looks through my window "Open the door, Draco! Let's talk about this!"

I don't even look to him as I drive off.

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