Chapter 50

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Later that night, I sneak into the backyard.

As I sit under the full moon, tears come to my eyes. The drama of Michael, Thom, and Harry has put so much pressure on my shoulders that I had to get away.

About fifteen minutes later, I hear the grass crunching behind me. When I look over my shoulder, I find Narcissa walking towards me.

She sits next to me and speaks softly "You've had us all worried. Where've you been?"

I take in a deep breath, before declaring "I went to an old warehouse. Threw old bottles at windows and broke as much shit as possible."

She furrows her brow and asks "Why'd you do that?"

I take in a deep breath, before declaring "I was angry."

She nods, before looking me over "And did it help?"

I shake my head and she lays her arm over my shoulder.

Something in it feels so natural, I can't stop myself from leaning into her and wrapping my arms around her.

Her hands mess with my hair as she tells me "You scared Harry."

I give an emotionless "I didn't mean to."

She sighs "Why'd you leave him there?"

I can't bring myself to say it, until a minute later "I was afraid I'd hurt him."

She sighs "He thought you'd hurt yourself. Said you left your mobile, and he thought he'd never see you again."

I can't bring myself to say anything, so she continues "He was crying, hysterically. He just fell asleep, and he's bundled up in one of your jumpers."

I furrow my brow and move away to look at her "Over me driving off?"

She furrows her brow and shakes her head "No."

I give a confused look "Then why was he crying?"

She gives a weak smile, before moving the hair out of my face "That's something you'll have to talk to him about."

I nod, before narrowing my gaze at her, realizing I've let her in "This doesn't mean I forgive you."

She gives a soft smile, before moving my head to her shoulder "I know, darling."


The next morning, I wake to arguing below. As I walk down my stairs, I hear Teddy whining "Dad, I don't wanna go!"

"We've gotta go, Edward!" As I walk past the bathroom, I hear Harry order "Go upstairs and pack your bags!"

As I start to tiptoe down the main stairs, Teddy cries "I wanna stay here with Draco!"

Harry speaks louder than before "He doesn't want us here! Now, go upstairs and pack your bags, before I pack them for you!"

Teddy speaks in sheer outrage "Just because you and Draco got in a fight, doesn't me-"

"You don't get a say in this!" Harry interrupts, before declaring "You are too young to understand what your father does or doesn't do!"

"You're not my father!" Teddy screams as I reach the bottom of the stairs. When I look into the dining room, I find Harry standing in front of his full baggage. Teddy stands with his back to me as he screams in such betrayed passion "I HATE YOU!"

Harry looks taken aback, as I step into the room "What's happening, here?"

Teddy turns to me and runs to wrap his arms around my torso "He wants to leave, but I don't wanna! And, and- he won't tell me why, and-" he whimpers "I don't want to leave you!"

I cock my eyebrow to Harry as I hug Teddy softly. Harry stares in shock, until I lean away from Teddy to look down at him. When he looks up to me, I wipe the tears from his eyes.

With a soft smile, I tell him "You shouldn't speak to your father like that."

His face goes discouraged and I gently turn him around. When I squat next to him, I look to Harry and explain "You have a fantastic father, Teddy. Never forget that."

Harry looks to me in such confusion. Gingerly, I turn Teddy back around and order "Go upstairs while I talk to your father." He gives a concerned look and I smile "I'll be up in a minute, don't worry!"

He nods, before hesitantly leaving the room. When he's gone, I stand and cross my arms "What are you up to?" I ask, calmly.

He looks me over in concern. As I take a step forward, he takes a step back. I raise my hands in surrender, before stepping towards his bag.

As I tidy up his folding, he moistens his lips "Teddy and I are moving on. My hip is doing well, but I'll continue the exercises."

I furrow my brow and ask "Going back to London? That'll mess up Teddy's school work."

He clears his throat, before declaring "No, we're moving into the burrow, until I can find another apartment in London."

As I fix one of his shirts, I ask "Is that where they've gone off to? The burrow?"

He nods, before I sit next to his bag. He looks me over, before sighing "Your mother went to Diagon Alley."

I hum, before taking in his exhausted expression. As I cross my arms, I ask "So, why are you leaving?"

He leans against the wall and declares "It's obvious that you don't want me here."

I furrow my brow and declare "That's not true." He gives a confused look and I state "I love having you here, actually. Finally, a c-"

He shakes his head and interrupts "Don't say that." I give a confused look and he looks down, not able to make eye contact "Don't say that to me."

I frown, before asking "Say what?"

He scoffs, before looking up with tears in his eyes "Don't use me and love in the same sentence."

I furrow my brow and look down, before asking "Why do you really want to leave, Harry?"

When he speaks, his voice is muddy. He takes in a shakey breath "I can't stay here and act like I'm not head over heels in love with you."

I look up to find his eyes are red, and so is his nose. I furrow my brow and ask "So it wasn't just an act? You actually give a shit?"

He nods as tears stream down his face. He takes a moment to calm himself, before moving to sit next to me.

As he wipes his face with the back of his head, I think of what to saw. Finally, he declares "I saw Jamie cheating on you, and lead you out of work early to catch him. I was on the way back from the manner, when-"

He sniffles to shut himself up. After a moment, he looks to me with teary eyes "I'm so sorry, Draco. I know you loved him."

I nod, before he looks down. As he hides his face, I wrap my arms around him and rest my chin on his shoulder.

"I'm supposed to be the one crying, you know?" I joke. He chuckles, midcry, before I sigh "Come on. Look at me."

He finally drops his hands and I explain "I left you there, because I didn't want to hurt you."

He gives a confused look and I shrug "Believe it or not, I care for you." His lip quivers and I rest my thumb on it "I don't know if I could love you the way you love me, but we could give it a go."

He gives the most desperate look, before I skirt my thumb over his lips. As I place a soft kiss on his lips, I hear the floor above me tremble.

When I pull away, I ask Harry "Stay?" He nods, before I back up and call up to Teddy "Stop eavesdropping! I'm trying to snog your dad!"

As I continue to kiss Harry, I hear Teddy fake being sick.

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