How Dare You Try and Claim Me Now!

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"How dare you! How dare you try and claim me now?!"

I yelled at the approaching figure of The Phantom. He made no reply and kept advancing towards me. He stopped when he was a few feet away from me. "Well, how dare you?!" I repeated furiously. Again he said nothing, looking at me with a smirk. He stepped even closer. "Tell me something, Christine," He whispered, reaching out and tucking a spare lock of hair behind my ear. "Tell you something?" I asked irritably. What was he getting at? He smirked again before replying, "Yes, Christine, tell me something. Tell me this," And he paused, wrapping his arms around me and pressing his mouth against my ear, "How can you claim what is already yours?" He asked in a silky whisper. I opened my mouth to reply and Erik took advantage of my open mouth, leaning in and kissing me.

My heart halted in its rhythmic beat, adrenalin pulsing through me. A small part of me wanted him to stop, the part associated with reason and...

I gave up thinking in favour of returning his kiss. I could feel every little move his mouth made, every time he nibbled my lip. His gloved hands pulled me closer, nearly cutting of my airway. Then he stopped kissing my mouth, moving to my neck instead. "You cannot claim what is already yours, Christine. And you, dearest, are mine." He purred in my ear.

My rage came back with a passion, He was supposed to be repentant, to be sorry he left me! Yet here he was, kissing me and telling me I was his!!

I pushed him off of me, I stood facing him. "You left me, and yet here you are, acting as if nothing ever happened!" I snapped, making sure there was a foot of space between us. His jaw dropped, eyes widening, then his eyes narrowed. "You were engaged to be married, Christine. A fact I did not realize until much later. You did not tell me that and I realized you did not love me, and would never love me. So I left." His arms were crossed as he glared at me.

"Oh..." I trailed, having nothing better to say. That was why he left....It was my fault. "I thought perhaps, after ten years you did indeed love me....I see I was quite wrong. I am terribly sorry to have troubled you. I shall leave you to your drunkard husband. Farewell, Christine." He bowed and turned to leave. "Erik! No, wait! Please!" I called after him. He turned his head slightly, "What is it, Christine?"

"Erik, don't leave. Please. Let me explain! Erik..." I trailed as I saw him head for the door. He opened it, and I murmured what I had wanted to say since I had awoken and found him gone, "I love you."

We both froze for an instant.

Then I was in his arms again, safe and secure. He pressed his porcelain cheek against mine, stroking my face in the most tender fashion. "I love you, Christine." He murmured over and over. I felt myself melting into him. His voice, his face, his arms and chest. He was my everything, my world. "I love you." I cooed again and again. His grip became warmer and tighter. "I am so sorry I left you..." He murmured, his fingers tangling in my hair.

"I suppose I can forgive you. If...." I trailed. "If, love?" His face was full of concern and curiosity. "I will forgive you if you promise never to leave me again," I paused and he nodded. "And if you kiss me right now."

He stroked my face then kissed me full on the mouth. He was warm, and passionate and I was perfectly happy.

His mouth moved to my neck, my hands moving to his hair. I pressed myself against him, feeling us almost meld together. "Take your ring off." Erik purred in my ear. I was more than happy to oblige. I didn't wear the engagement ring Raoul gave me anymore, because it reminded me of too many bad memories. I also didn't wear the ring Erik gave me, though I wanted to. I only wore that stupid simple wedding band I had been issued when I had wed Raoul. It would be no trouble taking off the ring myself. I wanted Erik to take it off, though. "You take it off." I commanded, "With that mouth of yours." He stopped and his mouth wrapped around my finger, removing it and placing the ring in my hand. I then threw it over my shoulder. The ring meant nothing to me now and would never.

He began kissing me again.

Then a knock on the door made us both jump. The knock repeated itself. Reluctantly, Erik and I parted, his arm wrapping itself around my waist possessively. I reached foreword and opened the door. Two officers held a fidgeting Raoul in handcuffs. "Madame, do you know this man? He says he's your husband. Is he?" The first officer looked skeptical, the second rolled his eyes and gave us an apologetic smile. I felt Erik slip something small and round on my finger as I answered, "No, monsieur. I have never seen this man in my life! My husband is right next to me! Here, I can even show you my ring!" And I lifted my hand, showing off the ring Erik gave me. "We figured so. He gave us your address and the room number, so we had to check. Sorry to have bothered you." With that, they left, Raoul screaming in the background, "She's lying! I know it! My wife! She threw her ring away! She always preferred That monster to me! CHRISTINE!!!"

His screams grew fainter and fainter. We closed the door, Erik kissing me with his adoring passion. I gave in to his touch and love.

"What are we going to do?" He whispered when he gave me a chance to breathe.

"Just love, just live, just give what we can give, and take what little we deserve."

Then, I pressed my mouth against his, "I love you so much."

"I love you, my Christine. And as long as I live, I will be with you." He murmured, stroking my hair.

And everything went as it should have been. 

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