I Have Brought You!

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"I have brought you....

To the seat of sweet music's throne!

To this Kingdom,

Where all must pay homage

To Music....


You have come here,

For one purpose,

And one alone!

Since the moment

I first heard you sing,

I have needed you with me....

To serve me,

To sing for my music,

My music!"

The Phantom looked at Christine, his face serious. Christine's face was full of wonder, hypnotized as it was, and a little fear. What did this man plan to do, then, if he wanted her as a servant? What was she to do? Her Angel would never talk like this! How could he deceive her so?

"That's a lie, Erik, and you know it!"

Both Erik and Christine and her Angel jumped at the sound of another voice. They turned, as one, and saw a young girl—maybe sixteen summers old—with a wave of curled noisette hair which fell to her shoulders and round teal eyes. She was wearing an outlandish outfit of short navy-blue things that looked like trousers, but had an odd gold thing peeking out from a flap stopping at her upper thigh, and a button just under the area where her navel would be. For her upper area, she had a light blue thing that looked like a blouse but was made of different material. Her pink mouth was a thin line; and her expression was terse, as she glared at Christine's Angel. "How have you come to be here?" The Phantom demanded, standing up, ignoring her earlier comment about him lying—He'd get to that later.

The girl scoffed, "That is not your concern, Erik." He looked puzzled and annoyed, "How do you know my name?" She grinned, "Eh, you wouldn't believe me, even if I told you—And besides, you don't really want to know." Now The Phantom truly was annoyed. "How dare you assume what I think and feel? And who the hell are you?" She giggled, "Oh my gosh, I'm being yelled at by the Phantom of the Opera! Holy Crap, this is freaking amazing! Nobody would believe me, even if I told them—well, mostly." The Phantom looked over at Christine, "Do you happen to know this insane little wench?" She looked up at the man who's voice had once been her Angel, "No. You do not know her?" The girl cut in, "No he doesn't, but I know him. Don't ask how, unless you want to think I really am crazy—which I might very well be." At their look, the Girl continued, "All right, if you insist! I'm Deedee, and I love you guys so much, like so, so, so much! I'm from the twenty-first century, where your life is both a book, numerous movies, TV, and musical versions. Erik, you're super popular and you're mentioned all the time in our pop culture—also there're multiple fan fiction about you guys. Does that cover every question you might've asked?"

The Phantom and Christine gawped at her. "This is such an honour for me, really. It's like soooo wonderful to meet you guys, like, I'm going to explode!"

"You speak oddly...." The Phantom muttered. Deedee laughed, "Of course I do, Erik! I'm from the twenty-first century! What can you expect? I probably sound like an alien to you! Hey, you wouldn't mind if I did something, would you? Well, like, I've never had my first kiss—which is sad for a girl my age in my world—so, um, can I kiss you?" She looked at the confused Phantom with puppy-dog eyes, "Please? I'm basically in love with you, and—please?"

The Phantom, feeling very uncomfortable, tried to change the subject, "So you are from the twenty-first century?" Deedee looked dejected, "Yes." The Phantom looked thoughtful, "Indeed....How did you get here?" She smiled, "I invented a sort of teleporter that can take me anywhere I like!" The Phantom raised an eyebrow, "Indeed? Did you do this alone?" "No, I had help from my Dad, and my best friend." The Phantom nodded his head. "Why did you say I was lying?" 

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