The Phantomesse of Coney

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"The Sea is cool, the sea is calm..." Meg crooned. "I can't swim!" Gustave cried, trying to pull free from Meg. "Don't worry, it's almost over....Sink into the deep...Blue and cool and calm......Leave the hurt behind..."

A scream pierced the night air. "Gustave!" Christine called frantically, Erik's screams following hers. "Ah..." Meg grinned, almost pushing little Gustave over the pier. "Mother!" Gustave cried fearfully. "Let go of the boy." Erik ordered. Meg's head snapped to Erik. "Not another step! Not another word! WATCH ME NOW, MASTER!" Meg screamed, pulling out a gun, aiming it right at Gustave's head. Gustave's parents and Madame Giry went pale. Erik's first response was to go over there and strangle Meg, but Christine jumped in before he could respond. "Meg, old friend.." She whispered. "Old friend? Where was my old friend when I needed her? Gone, long gone! Where was she when I was in love? Gone, yet still holding her power! Oh, yes, gone, but hypnotizing Mr. Y, even from afar! She's all he thinks about, Christine! Did you know that?"

Christine felt tears prick her eyes, "Meg, I never meant anything..." "No, you never do! All you have to do to win them over is sing and look all innocent and sweet and naïve! All you had to do was speak and they listened and fell for you! But I never complained with Raoul, did I? No! I knew I would have a chance with your other one! You didn't love him enough! But, oh, he loved you! I saw his hurt after you left, after you wed. And it was working, Christine! He was nearly mine! AND then YOU CAME BACK! All you had to do was stay away! But could you? No! No! You had to come back and re-claim your discarded love! I see how you look at each other!" She had a vicious sneer on her face. "Meg, take me instead. You don't want my son. Take me." Christine said, stepping forward cautiously. Meg gave a grin, releasing Gustave. He ran into Mme. Giry's waiting arms. "Take the boy, Madame, and run." Erik whispered. Madame nodded, walking a sobbing Gustave away. Once the boy was out of sight, Erik turned to face Meg. He was getting an intense feeling of deja vu. Meg had her one arm around Christine's neck, the other held the gun that was pointed at Christine's head.

"Well, Erik! It is down to you, and it is down to me!" Meg screamed, fingers twitching on the trigger. "Don't touch her!" Erik screamed, stepping forward. "Step any closer and she dies!" Meg yelled. "I'm so sorry, Angel..." Christine sobbed. "What do you intend to do Meg?" Erik asked quietly. If Christine's life wasn't at stake, he would have dispatched Meg already. "Pity comes to late, Erik!" She snapped. His face went black. In his head, Erik said a few choice words. Now the roles were reversed. What would he do? How did Christine stop him, all those years ago? Now he remembered...

"Show some compassion, Meg." He begged. "The world showed no compassion to me, Erik!" Meg snapped, "Monsieur, I bid you welcome! I won't harm her, Erik, unless you choose wrong. Start a new life with me! Buy her freedom with your LOVE! Refuse me and I KILL CHRISTINE!!! THIS is the CHOICE! This is the POINT OF NOOOOO RETURN!!!!!!!!!" She sang in a deranged voice. If things stuck true to the other time this happened, Erik would have to kiss Meg...

"Don't throw your life away for my sake, Erik! I mean nothing! Please! Take your life, live it. Live freely, Erik...Please, forget me! I don't matter!" Christine begged. "Christine, don't..." He whispered. "Either way you choose, she has to win!" Christine sobbed, "So get away with what you can! Don't give your freedom to her!" Christine begged, reaching out to Erik. "Christine....I love you." He whispered. "FEAR CAN TURN TO LOVE! PAST ALL THOUGHT OF CRIES FOR HELP!" Meg sang, "SO! Do you end your days with me, or do you send your love to her grave?!"

"Why make him lie to you, to save me?" Christine asked softly. "Christine! Don't..." Erik cried, just before Meg slapped her.

"Erik! Don't!" Christine warned, seeing his eyes fill with rage.

"You try my patience! MAKE YOUR CHOICE!" Meg screamed. Erik sighed, "Let Christine go, Meg. I'll stay..." "NO!" Christine screamed, falling to the floor as Meg let her go. She rushed forward, into Erik's waiting arms. "Pitiful Creature of showbiz....What sort of life have you known?" He asked softly, praying that Christine would, someday, forgive him. "God give me courage, to show you....You are not alone..." He whispered the last part. Then, Erik, the Angel of Music, the Opera Ghost, The Phantom of the Opera, leaned in and kissed Meg.

In the background, Christine cried softly, knowing that though Erik was doing everything right, Meg would never set him free. She wasn't Erik. She didn't love him enough to set him free.

The kiss ended. Erik hoped for the best, hoped Meg would do what he did all those years ago. Meg looked dizzy, dropping the gun which she had been clutching. Christine, seeing an opportunity, snatched the gun, pointing it a Meg. "How the tables have turned, Meg." Christine gave a crazed smile. Erik's eyes widened, how had he rubbed off on her so much? What changed?

Meg clutched at Erik, afraid. "Erik, do something! Use your powers on her!" Meg cried, clutching at his shirt. "Run, Meg. I'll deal with her." Erik whispered, hoping she would comply. Meg nodded, "Forget it....Erik, if you love me, meet me in France, at the Opera. I'll be there."

She took off, hopefully never to be seen again.

Erik turned to the gun-holding Christine. The gun in her hands shook. "Christine, put it down." He whispered, "It's all right now, honey. Put it down, please." He looked at her hopefully. "You kissed her!" Christine cried, tears spilling down her supple cheeks. "And when you were placed in this situation, you kissed me." He countered gently. "I Loved you! do you love her?" Christine asked, the gun shaking dangerously. "Of course not. Christine, don't you remember anything? Come now, put it down." Christine, still crying, placed the gun on the floor, kicking it towards Erik, who picked it up, flinging it into the sea. He turned back to Christine with a relieved expression. "First you leave me, now you kiss another!" Christine cried, before launching herself into his arms, sobbing. "Hush now. Oh, Christine, shh, shh now. It will be all right. You know I love you, Christine. You and only you." He cooed.

She nodded, "I'm sorry, that was silly of me..."

Erik didn't reply, just pulled her closer.

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