Give it Back!

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(The "< >" means that a texting conversation has begun. Between Erik and Christine, Erik's bold, and Christine's regular. Between Erik and the Persian, Erik's bold and The Persian is regular. And between Raoul and Christine, Raoul is regular and Christine's italic.)

The Persian and M. Le Vicomte heard the young girl moaning.

Raoul slammed his hand on the glass, in frustration. "What is that monster doing to Christine! Oh, I shall hang him!" "Hush now!" The Persian hissed harshly.

There was a muffled noise; and a soft wet noise, like that of a tender kiss placed on a hand or a neck. Christine made a low whimpering noise. "Why, what's happening?"

The Persian did not reply to Raoul's comment, simply kept his ear pressed against the glass.


<                         >

You like this?

Erik, Put the phone down.


Because, it's impossible to be passionate when you are on that damn device.

You bought it for me.

Yes, and now I regret it.

Put it down.

No. You are on yours!

Because you're too lazy to talk to me! So I have to text you!

Put the phone down!

But I like it!


No, I like this cellular device. Why did you buy it for me, if I am not allowed to use it?

I bought it so we can stay in touch while we're separated!

And Erik, we are not separated!

I like talking this way. Why do you not like it?

I will tell you the second you're off the phone.

Not happening, Christine.

It will happen, Erik. That I vow.

<                                                     >


The Persian heard a loud yell of indignation. "Christine! Give me my phone back! I need it!"

Christine laughed gaily, "You do not need it! You're addicted to this damned device!" There was a muffled thud, and an "ouch." "I am not addicted to that device, now give it back to me!" "No!" Christine snapped, "And if you don't stop, I'll smash your phone to pieces!"

Erik gasped, "You wouldn't!" "Oh, try me then!" Christine retorted.

There were more sounds of running around the room. "Christine, I am taller than you." It seemed the Phantom thought that was how he would get his phone back. "You may be taller than me, But I am smaller, and it is easier for me to get away from you." She replied cheerfully. "I do not know why you are so gay, This is no gay matter to me." Erik grumbled, "And though you are smaller than I, I am faster than you."

There was a squeal, and Erik crowed in triumph, "You cannot win against me, Christine!" Christine sighed. There were sounds of Erik prying the phone out of Christine's hands.

The Persian heard the telltale ding of his cell-phone and pulled it out of his pocket...Wait, when did he take it of silent mode?

Raoul also heard the happy chimes of his phone, and looked down at it. Christine was texting him.

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