Divya's decision and 5 years leap

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Divya was hurt, broken after she found out the truth. She knew that it wasn't Shikhar's fault, but she also knew that he had found out about the truth much before their marriage but didn't say anything to her. So she was mad at him for that. She still decided to give their marriage a second chance while looking at him, she was convinced that she will never find another man like Shikhar again. (I mean who wouldn't, he was crying like a baby lol, so cute) That being said, to love someone and trust them with everything does not come easily. As they say everyone makes mistakes.

Anyways, she needed to find her di. That was the most important thing right now. Thus, both decided to go and help look for her as well as alert their families who will definitely be worried when they find out. After speaking to their family, they rented a car and went looking for Drishti. They called Rakshit and he picked up immediately without looking at the phone, thinking it might be Drishti.

Rakshit: Mrs. Shergill, where are you? Are you ok? (He started shouting with worried and broken voice)

Divya was very happy to know that her jiju was also the perfect man for her di. She could understand from his voice that he was worried about her. How much he cared about her...

Divya: jiju, it's me Divya. Have you heard anything from di? Where are you right now?

Rakshit: oh sorry Divya, I thought it was Mrs. Shergill. No I have looked everywhere, I can't find her. (He broke down saying that and tried to hide it, but obviously Divya caught on)

Divya: don't worry jiju, we will find her.

Just like that 5 years have passed for them. Although so much time have passed, for one person, it felt like time was at a standstill. It didn't change anything for him but gave him more loneliness and pain, a longing for someone precious.

After the leap,

It was 6:30 am, the sun was at its brightest. Even through the curtains, the rays of the sun fell in a little boy's face and to hide himself from it, he came closer to his mother and hugged her. Just then she woke up and looked over at him. She smiled at him and his struggles to hide. It was not the first time that he did that but every morning, he would do the same.

Looking at him, she started thinking whether he was similar to him. Brushing off her thoughts, she somehow managed to get up. "I mean how can a 5 year old boy be so strong," she thought while smiling. She has barely slept for 3 hours but still managed to be such a caring mother. She got up and got dressed and came back to wake the little boy up.

The mother: son, get up. It's time for school.
Your gonna be late. (Just so you guys know, schools starts at 8 am)

The son: (barely opening his eyes) mom, it's Sunday today. Have you forgotten again? Please let me sleep a little longer (while covering his face with the blanket).

The mother: (looking at her phone) oh sorry son, I forgot. I will let you sleep a little longer.

She gave him a forward kiss and he also gave her a kiss back. Then she took out her phone and made some calls as well as started to work on her laptop. When suddenly she started hearing someone call her name.

Unknown person: (footsteps could be heard from her room) Drishti, Drishti, where are you?

Yes, the mother was none other than Drishti. Drishti knew from her walk, who the unknown person was.

Drishti: (calling from her room) Aly, I am in my room.

Aaliyah or Aly for short, came to the room and excitedly said,

Aly: Drishti, you are selected as one of the chief guests at Gaze Gala (GG for short). I am so happy for you.

Drishti: I know Aly, I got the invitation letter from yesterday. But you know I don't like attending parties like that.

Aly: your an established event planner with her own event management company, yet you must be the only person in the world who doesn't like parities. Come on girl, you have to enjoy your life.

Hearing them talk, the little boy woke up. He heard everything and said,

The son: mom, come on. You have to go and this time you must take me with you. Please mom...please (with puppy dog eyes)

Drishti: Drikshit (the son's name), you know son, I don't like such occasions. And this one will be a masquerade party. I won't see anyone's face.

Drikshit: what's a mas...gurade party?

Aly: it's masquerade and it's a party where you wear a mask to hide your face. You can dress up as anyone you want, just like Halloween but it's a party.

Drikshit: (excitedly clapping his hands and jumping on the bed) wow a masquerade party. I wanna go. I wanna go mom, please. It will be fun.

Hearing him so excited about something, Drishti gave in and said,

Drishti: fine, you can go but you must be in your well behavior.

Drikshit: ok (and came and hugged her)

Aly: so the plan is final. Ok, the party is today at 7 pm. Do you want me to come pick you up or you want to go with Dev? (said while smirking 😏)

Drishti: Aly, stop it. You know it's nothing like that.

Precap - At Shergill mansion...the party.

Thank you for reading. Some questions for you all: who is Dev? How is he related to Drishti? Anyways, best regards always - K

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