Someone from the past?

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Drishti came out crying, but when she opened the door, she saw someone from her past. She saw Shikhar and she just froze there. When he also saw her, he was shocked, yet happy. Who wouldn't be? The person they have been looking for over 5 years is now standing in front of him.

Shikhar: (immediately gave her a hug) bhabi, you are here? Oh my god, I am so happy to see you here.

Drishti: (stopped crying and obviously surprised to see him) Shikhar, what are you doing here?

Shikhar: (broke the hug) bhabi, bhai and I came here as a chief guest. What are you doing here? Do you know how worried we have been trying to locate you? Where have you been all this time?

Drishti again froze in her position when she heard him say that he was also here. She thought of the dance earlier and she realized now that it was him. It couldn't be anyone else except him. She felt him. She was happy to learn that she didn't betray him, but she was in his arms.

Shikhar: (seeing her moist eyes) bhabi, what happened? Are you ok? Why were you crying? Wait, did you meet bhai? He should be somewhere inside. Wait, let me call him.

Drishti: no Shikhar don't. I am fine and I came here for something important and I am leaving now.

Just then Drikshit came running to his mom and hugged her. Shikhar was in for a major shock. He didn't know what to think. He knew that his bhabi would not betray his brother. So he said,

Shikhar: (looking at Drikshit) bhabi, who is this?

Drikshit: (forwarding his hands) hi uncle, I am Drikshit, nice to meet you. Do you know my mom?

Shikhar: (handshaking him) the pleasure is mine, Drikshit. What a nice name you have. Wait, did you say your mom?

Drikshit: (holding Drishti's hand and they made a eye contact) yes, this is my mom.

Shikhar looked at her shocked. She too didn't know what to say. She didn't want to tell him the truth well not yet. Not until he first out first.

Drishti: yes Shikhar, this is my son. Drikshit this is your Shikhar uncle, a very good friend of mine.

Drishti: (tears forming in her eyes) Shikhar, how is Divya?

Shikhar: she is well bhabi and we also have a son named Shiva who is right about the same age as Drikshit. (Looking at Drikshit) wait, could it be?

Drishti: (knew what he was thinking) no and congrats to you both. I am happy for you. But don't tell her you met me.

Shikhar: but bhabi...

Just then Drikshit interrupted,

Drikshit: mom, why is he calling you bhabi? Does he know dad?

Drishti: (realizing where he's going with this) no son, he doesn't. He just likes calling me bhabi out of respect.

Shikhar's thoughts:

I again looked at her all confused. Why didn't bhabi tell him the truth? I was shocked at first when he called her mom, but then I thought maybe he's bhai's son. I mean he looks a lot like him and behaves very similar to him. Am I wrong? Did bhabi really move on? I mean if that wasn't the case then she wouldn't lie, right? I was so indulged in my thoughts that I forgot they were standing here.

What am I supposed to do now? Bhai has been looking for her all over the world, but who knew, we would meet like this? What am I supposed to tell him now? That bhabi has moved on and even has a kid. How am I supposed to face Divya too. She stayed with me even after learning the truth but bhai...

Shikhar's thoughts were disturbed when,

Drikshit: (pulling his suit) hello uncle, are you ok?

Shikhar: (looking at him) I am ok son.

Drikshit: mom, let's go home. I am tired.

Drishti: (looking at Shikhar) sure son, let's go. Bye Shikhar, it was nice to see you again.

Shikhar tried convincing her to stay or at least him Rakshit before leaving but he could not stop her from leaving. Just a few minutes after she left, Rakshit came outside. Tapping on Shikhar's shoulders, he said

Rakshit: Shikhar, you ok? Why are you looking in that direction.

Just then Shikhar got back to reality and was now more worried. How was he supposed to tell him.  Soon, two days have passed since since Shikhar saw Drishti and they have returned to India. He has been hiding the truth or rather trying to find a way to reveal it to everyone. He knew everyone will be worried especially Rakshit since he still loves her more than anything and with his poor heath, he didn't know what to do.

Precap: In the hospital....

Thank you for reading - K

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