Sweet and sour reunion

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When Drishti and Rakshit saw each other they couldn't take their eyes away from one another. After a few minutes of eye contact, Drikshit took Rakshit closer to Drishti. Just then Charlotte came out of the room and took the baby in her arms. She put her hands on Drishti's shoulders and whispered,

Charlotte: (happy) tell him the truth (and took Dev's hands and left the place leaving the trio alone)

Both didn't know what to say or do. But soon tears were rolling down Drishti's eyes and even Rakshit's eyes were moist. Rakshit went closer to her and with his hands, he wiped away her tears and hugged her.

Rakshit: (rubbing her back to calm her down) shh, don't cry Mrs. Shergill. It's ok now stop crying. I am really sorry Mrs. Shergill about everything. I wanted to tell you before the marriage but I didn't get the chance. I am sorry and I have missed you. Where have you been all this time? How could you have stayed away from me for so long? Do you have any idea how much I have missed you. Where have I not looked for you? Not a single day have passed by where I haven't thought of you. I looked for you everywhere in India, but I couldn't find you. I even hired international detectives trying to locate you.

As he was saying this, he soon broke the hug and looked at her. Drishti was still continuously crying and much harder this time. She broke down more and fell on her knees. Rakshit was sad looking at her condition, he also went down on his knees and cupped her face in his hands.

Rakshit: Mrs. Shergill, what happened? Why are you crying? I said na I am sorry, now please forgive me and stop crying.

Drishti: (holding his hands and trying to compose herself) Mr. Shergill, I am sorry. I took the decision without realizing that it wasn't your fault. I just couldn't believe it when I heard your conversation with Shikhar which is why I left from there. (Looking at Drikshit who was also crying seeing his parents) but....(holding out her hands) Drikshit, come here.

Rakshit looked at the back where her hands were pointing and saw Drikshit. He was a little confuse why she's calling him over. Anyways, Drikshit came to Drishti and said,

Drikshit: (looking at Rakshit) mom, he is my dad right?

Drishti: yes son, this is your dad.

Rakshit was more confuse, yet happy. He couldn't believe his ears.

Rakshit: (looking at both of them) wait...what did you say? Did I hear it correctly? Did you just say dad?

Drishti: (smiling) Yes, Mr. Shergill. He is your son, he is our son.

Rakshit was now over the moon after hearing that he had a son and that too it was their son. Why didn't he realize it sooner? He did feel a connection between them whenever both of them talked. Not only that Drikshit also did say that his name was formed using his parents name because he was born from their love. I should've guessed it, he thought.

Rakshit: (holding out both of his arms for a hug) come here, son.

Drikshit then went to his dad and hugged him. Rakshit also called Drishti and she too joined in their hug. All three were so happy. Finally their family was complete.

Rakshit: I cannot tell you how happy I am Mrs. Shergill and you have given me the best present that I could have ever asked for. I have found you and I also have a son. What else could I have asked for. I love you both. (Giving a kiss on each of their forehead)

Drishti: (looking at him and giving him a kiss as well and then Drikshit) I am really sorry Mr. Shergill and I love you too.

Drikshit: me too mom and dad. I love you both so much. (He then kissed both of his parents' cheeks)

They hugged each other once again. Everyone in the hospital were looking at their reunion and when they hugged, everyone clapped. As a result, they broke their hug and the three of them got up from the ground.

Rakshit: (looking at the situation) let's go home. We can talk there.

But Drishti held his hand and stopped him.

Rakshit: what happened, Mrs. Shergill? Are you ok?

Drishti: I...I am fine but I am not going with you.

Rakshit: (wasn't happy) but why? Why can't you come with me?

Precap - Drishti's bitter truth

Thank you for reading. So guys, here's some questions for you to answer until I update again: why doesn't Drishti want to go with Rakshit? Did she really stay away from him because of the incident with her parents or is there another reason? 🤔 anyways, best regards always - K

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