Back at the Shergills'

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After their emotional reunion, Drikshit decided to tell the truth. He took both of their hands and took them to the bed. They sat, but Rakshit and Drishti looked at each other in a confused state.

Drikshit: (still holding their hands) mom, dad, please don't be mad at me but I have to tell you both something.

Rakshit: what happened son?

Drishti: yes, Drikshit what happened?

Drikshit told them about the plan, Drishti was shocked. Rakshit was happy that because of his son, he was able to reunite with his love. All trio hugged again, but Drishti broke the hug and asked Rakshit,

Drishti: Mr. Shergill, why are you living here? What happened to the family?

Rakshit: (not happy) I couldn't live there anymore after you left. Because of mom and dad, your parents died and now again, when you didn't know the truth, you left me. I had always thought you knew about what had happened, and tried to even speak to you about it just to confirm if you were happy with this decision. But well...I never had the chance.

Drishti: (became emotional) Mr.Shergill, how could you do that...for my sake, you left your family.

Rakshit: of course, nothing else matters to me more than you. And now both of you are my first priority.

Drishti: but I won't accept that, we are returning to Shergill mansion unless you don't want me to stay...

Rakshit: no, don't ever say that again. I would rather die then live without you both.

Drishti put her hand on his mouth,

Drishti: please don't say that again and I won't leave you ever either.

So the trio left for Shergill mansion.

At Shergill mansion:

Shiva forced everyone to play blind fly where one person's eyes was covered with a clothe and he/she had to catch another. Shiva was was it first and he was able to catch his mom. Thus, Divya became it, and as she was running around trying to catch someone, she stumbled upon her feet and bumped into someone. She obviously didn't see who it was, but she felt a connection. This person was someone close to her and it turned out to be Drishti. As they were playing Rakshit and Drishti had reached the mansion.

While everyone in the house were shocked and happy to see her, Shikhar stopped them from saying anything. Divya tried to take the blindfold off but was struggling, so Drishti helped. Drishti was already crying and as soon as the clothe came off, Divya started crying too and immediately hugged her. Drishti also broke down and hugged her back. Everyone else came from behind and joined in the hug.

Everyone told her how much they missed her, how mad they were when she decided to leave. But all their anger subsided as soon as they saw her. Well not everyone's, Divya was still mad at Drishti for leaving her without informing her about anything.

Divya: (separated her hug and angry) di, I am not taking to you. You left me without telling me.

Drishti: (moving her face towards her) I am sorry Divi, I was just shocked and didn't know what to do.

She then explained everything and all were worried. They were happy to finally meet her. Mahima was also crying. Just then her eyes went over to Rakshit who was standing at the door, she broke the hug and went and hugged him, he reciprocated the hug back. His missed her too and she was happy to finally see him. He had refused to see her and Shikhar had secretly sent pictures of him working. But as soon as she hugged him, her eyes went over to the little man holding his hand. She broke the hug and said,

Mahima: who's this adorable boy? What's your name young man?

Drikshit: my name is Drikshit Rakshit Shergill.

Mahima couldn't believe her eyes and so did everyone else. All were shocked. They were happy to know that they have another grandson/nephew.

Simran and Rashi: omg, he's so cute. He looks like Rakshit bhai.

Divya: no he looks like di.

All laughed and rejoiced with this reunion and decided to let them rest a little bit before dinner. So Rakshit took Drishti to their room, while Drikshit stayed behind with Shiva. Even though, they just met, they bonded really well.

Precap: Rakshit and Drishti romance...

Thank you for reading - K

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