Part 9

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*Deku pov*

I was surprised to turn around to see Todoroki standing there. He was defending me.

"I saw it myself, he's right."

I couldn't understand where Todoroki kept saving me. I bet if he didn't speak up Kacchan would of killed me faster.

"Did you guys start something against me! Do you want to go!"

"Don't tempt me."

"STOP FIGHTING ALL OF YOU! I've had enough with this."

We all turn over to see Endeavor getting upset.

"Were gonna decide this later like stated, for now you all have to stop this yelling."

*Time Skip*

After everything died down abit everyone went to stay in a guest room. I mean the room was nice compared to my normal room. But I could barely sleep. I regretted speaking up, Kacchan was going to kill me and I knew it. I just had to wait for the end. I don't know why but I left my room and went to go explore the castle abit.

At first I was scared that I was going to get caught. But I knew that I was going to get punished anyway, so I didn't care that much. I began to become fascinated with everything around me. Everything was so amazing to look at and see. It felt nice to be alone for awhile.

But then I heard footsteps from behind me. I suddenly felt all my fears from before come back.

"Please don't get me in trouble! I just got curious."

"It's okay Midoriya, I won't tell on you. You don't have to beg."

I didn't realize until I looked up at Todoroki and saw that I had fallen down to my knees.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm used to it."

I awkwardly stand up to face Todoroki.

"Midoriya, what are you doing out here so late at night?"

"Well, I guess I just couldn't sleep."

"Izuku... what's your life like. Why did you really come here.

I pause for a moment, I didn't want to explain anything. I didn't think Todoroki would care.

"Oh, it's a long story. You probably don't want to listen to everything."

"It's okay, I can listen."

Todoroki sat down on a couch that we were standing next to and he motioned for me to sit next to him. I decide that if he wanted me to tell him everything, I would.

"I guess I should start with the fact that I've been a slave my whole life. Bakugo is my master I guess, I have to do what he says. Most of the time I either have to do his chores, or get sold over to other kingdoms to do their work."

Todoroki didn't say anything, so I kept going.

"I think the reason Bakugo forced us to come here was just to suck up to the king. He said something like he was trying to get known by as many kingdoms as possible, and that's why he sold me over to multiple kingdoms."

"I feel bad for you, it must suck to have someone like him control you for most your life."

"Eh, it could be so much worse I suppose. I bet your life is better than mine. It must feel great to be royalty."

"I guess it could seem like that at first."

"What do you mean?"

I didn't understand, shouldn't Todoroki's life be easier then my by a mile.

"Well, I guess that Endeavor isn't the best ruler. He's selfish and only cares about what people think about him and his family. Like how he locked away my mom because she couldn't stand the torment he put her through. Or like how he doesn't care about my feelings about being king at all."

"Wow, I never expected your life to be that difficult."

"I mean, I'm used to it."

"I guess our lives our both bad in there on way."

"You could think of it like that."

It felt nice to explain everything to Todoroki. But, there was still one thing I didn't understand.

"Todoroki... why have you been being so nice to me. We've known each other for not even a entire day."


He thinks for a second.

"I'm not sure, I guess I felt like I needed to protect you."

I feel my face heat up. I still couldn't understand why someone who I've barley known could be nicer to me than people I've no for my entire life.

"Midoriya I'm gonna make you a promise."

Todoroki's words brought me out of my line of thoughts.

"What is it?"

"I promise you that one day I'll make it so you're not Bakugo's slave anymore. I'll free you somehow.

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