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Meanwhile while you were on class, studying god knows what.

A certain skeleton watches over her from a far distance,

She's so adorable. He thought in his head as he giggled softly, a skeletal palm resting over his chin.

"She's going to be mine whether she likes it or not." He said out loud, a slight blush covered his cheekbones.

[ Unknown POV ]


I was walking though universes to see if error had attacked but still, no sign of him anywhere.

But then i came across to an interesting AU that caught my eye, i decided to visit it a little since i got nothing better to do.

While looking over to the places in that AU. Apart from the beautiful places, i saw the most beautiful girl i've ever seen, she had [Eye Color] eyes, her hair was a [Hair Color] color and everything about her seems fascinating and thought: I want to know more about her. And blushed a light rainbow color, disappearing through the ink portal i just created.

And since that day, i continued to watch over her. Watching her sleep, eat, go to school. Not including when she goes to the bathroom, of course.

[End of Flashback]

I waited for her to get out of class so i could continue watching her from the distance. She usually stays under a tree behind the school during her free time so it will be easier for me to stalk her there.

And yes, i did admit i was stalking her so what? It's not a big deal.

[ [Name]'s POV ]

Once i finished class, i immediately went to my next class to avoid the bullies behind me so i sprinted my way over to my next class.

Sighing in relief, i sat down on my seat before the bell rang.

Good thing they aren't in this class..
I thought to my head, relaxing in my seat as the bell rang, students filling up the room and so is the teacher.

Once the lesson started, i kept thinking about the scenario as i couldn't really even focus on the lesson that the teacher was currently discussing.

But seriously, why do we all still go to school when we are just going to fail again and again and again! It's not like we learn anything useful anyways.

Was someone really watching me? It didn't really feel like an animal was crossing over, heck, they aren't even allowed in the school.
I shook it off once again, sighing and i gave up on trying.

As i got bored, i took out my sketchpad and my pencil, sketching whatever was on my mind. I glided my pencil onto the paper, curves and lines down and up drawn onto the paper when..

"Pst, hey."

I didn't pay attention on who it was until i felt a slight tap on my shoulder, making me raise a brow as i looked back at them and waited for them to say something.

"Hi, i'm Shirlyn Angel. Nice to meet you!" They introduced themselves, smiling happily at me.

Me on the other hand was confused, since when did anyone ever approach me— not including those bullies of course. Yet this girl did, heck even in the middle of class!

"Um, hi there. I'm [Name], nice to meet you too." I paused, trailing off.

"So.. what do you need?"

The girl named Angel blinked multiple times before smiling again as she payed no attention to the class as i am too.
"I was wondering if we can be friends!"

Once again, i got more confused as i went speechless. Okay, this is getting weird.

"Cut the act, the bullies sent you, didn't they?" I looked at her skeptically. She send me a confused look before waving her hands around, denying it.

"No! You got the wrong idea here, i despise them just as you do. They've bullied me too, i promise you i am not with them whatsoever."
She sweat-dropped, it didn't seem easy to befriend me at all. But she at least tried harder.

"Uh-huh, now what makes you want to be my friend again?"
I raised a brow at her, sassily— i mean slightly crossing my arms.

"Well.. i've noticed you are always alone, that's why i want to befriend you to prevent that from ever happening again!"
She smiled cheekily at me, i opened my mouth to say something until..

"So miss [Last Name], why were you talking during my lesson?"
The teacher asked, interrupting what i was going to say and crossed her arms and raised a brow at me. The other students also looked at the scene caused, some were whispering and some were gossiping.

"And why were you teaching during my conversation anyways?"
I muttered but it was enough for everyone in the classroom to hear, making them laugh and as for the teacher, she scoffed and felt a little offended.

"You dare say that?!- I- ugh, whatever. Go to your next period."
The school bell rang, indicating that it was time for the next period and swatted her hand in the air, clearly done with everyone inside the class— especially me.

|| time skip, lmaoz

It's finally my free time.

I went to the tree i was always at behind the school, still having the sketchpad on my hands.

"Hey! [Name]!"

Oh, it's angel.

I sighed to myself and waited for her to catch up with me. We then walked together to the tree.

"Hm, so you always go behind here?"
She perked her head up as she saw where we were going. I nodded as we sat- more likely plop underneath the tree and hung out.

I remembered that i still had the sketchpad in my hands, i opened it up and drew more sketches in them but there was something else on my mind, i wasn't focus on my drawing but i, once again kept repeating the scene that happened hours ago. Angel was just in her phone until she looked over to my shoulder to see what i was sketching.

"Ooh, what'cha sketchin?~"

"Just.. anything."
I bluntly said as i began sketching whatever was on my mind.

I didn't notice how i started drawing that scene but what i didn't know i was being watched.

[ Unknown POV ]

My beloved is good at drawing, hm she could be better than me.

But that damn bitch (i'm sorry) is getting in the way!

I should— no, i'm going to give her time to make my beloved happy for some time.

Although i started noticing what she was drawing as i was feeling oh-so familiar about it.

Did she notice i was stalking her?
A smile crept up my 'lips'.
Finally, my [Name] is noticing me little by little, it wont be long until she's mine..

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