🎉Birthday Special🎉

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[ Republished cause why tf not😂 ]

Yay! It's already ink's birthday!
So im like, why not prepare and make a special chapter about him and (y/n)?~
So here it is! Please enjoy~
And! Disclaimer: This has nothing to do with the actual story, this is just for fun!
We never know if it will happen in the nearer future anyways *winks*


Ink rubbed his eyes(cough) as he yawned,
He barely even got any sleep last night because of the art he was working on.
He looked over to his side to see that (y/n) wasn't there beside him on the bed.
"Where is she..?"
Ink asked himself as he started to wonder.
It's not normal for (y/n) to be up so early, ink usually is the first one who's up.

He semi-yelled as he wandered around the halls trying to find where (y/n) could be.
He knew it was only 9:00 am, he didn't want to wake anyone up if anyone is still sleeping at this time.
He sighed, checking each and individual rooms upstairs which is where he was from the start.
It was strange, he didn't find anyone or anything suspicious in their rooms.
"Where could they all be?"
He asked himself as he started to go downstairs to double check if there are actually anyone in the house.
He didn't like the silence that the house radiated.

But as soon as he went down, it was a surprising shock for him.

Everyone yelled as they held a banner with ink on it with a happy birthday message caption.
Blueberry, dream, angel and (y/n) were there and the room was decorated with balloons and many more.
He felt tears come out his eye sockets.
They really planned all of this?
"T-thank you guys, i.. i'm so happy right now!"
All giggled and went to hug him tight.
It lasted for more than a minute and all let go.
Ink saw (y/n) run to the kitchen to go grab something and went back to him.
(Y/n) was holding out a rainbow cake as it had a message on the decoration of the cake with her handwriting.
'Happy Birthday Inky!!'
She saw the look on his face and giggled, kissing his forehead.
Ink brushed his thoughts and looked at his lover, the girl who changed his life.
"Happy birthday inky, happy birthday inky, happy birthday, happy birthday~
Happy birthday inky~"
She sang as she started to light out the candles that was already in place in the cake.
He laughed and shook his head.
Oh how lovely and childish she is, and that's what i love about her.
"C'mon inky! Wish something!"
(Y/n) said excitingly as he chuckled at her.
"Alright, alright."
He closed his eyes and wished something, and blew the candles out as everyone cheered.

"Everyone! we should eat first before he open up his presents!"
(Y/n) announced cheerfully as she grabbed ink's hand and dragged him to the kitchen to grab something to eat.
"Wow, how hungry are you?"
Ink chuckled as he tried keeping up with her.
"11 out of 10"
She giggled as he laughed in return.
"Of course."

"Are you enjoying?"
Dream asked ink but he didn't respond, he was staring at (y/n) who was talking to angel.
Dream noticed him dazing off and looked over to his direction, he smirked and nudged him using his elbow.
He even noticed how he blushed a rainbow hue when she laughed.
"Looks like someone is blushing~"
He teased as ink shook off his thoughts and blushed even more, looking away.

"Ink! It's time to open up your presents, all of them are for you!"
She giggled and dragged him to a chair near all of the presents.
Most of them are wrapped in rainbow wrappers which he loved but he knew he'll love the actual gifts the most.

The first gift was from dream,
It was a sketchbook! (Let's be honest, all his present would be art supplies xD)
"Awee~ i've always wanted these type of sketchbook, they are always so smooth to draw on! Thank you dream!"
Ink smiled at him as he smiled back, nodding.
And second gift was from blueberry knowing the gift wrapper is designed with tacos.
Why of course
He chuckled as he teared the gift open, his mouth agape.
"I love it! I'll definitely cherish this forever. Thank you blue!~"
He giggled as he admired the gift,
It was a picture frame with all of them on it.
The frame itself had a gold lining with a tint of what seems to be rainbow colored as well.

Time had passed as he opened a lot of the gifts, it was the first time he ever enjoyed his birthday, cause his lover is celebrating it with him!
He raised a brow at (y/n) as he saw something from (y/n)'s hands, it was two gifts.
She walked over to him and gave the first gift to him.
"Open it up!"
He chuckled and nodded, grabbing it from her and tear the gift open.
It was a (you decide what color, it could be rainbow if you want) scarf, the fabric was smooth and soft. He definitely loved it.
"Do you like it inky?"
She asked as she got nervous of his answer.
"I love it (n/n) (nickname)"
He smiled at her as he kissed her forehead.
She giggled and gave him the second gift.
He laughed softly and took it, it was a tiny gift.
He wondered what it could be, he tilted his head as he started opening it.
The gift was on a tiny box, as he opened it, he couldn't believe how beautiful it is.
It was a heart locket, which could be opened from the heart itself (yeah, the heart locket that chara and asriel has)
He smiled softly as he opened it, it had a picture (y/n) and him on it and there was a writing on top of it.
'Ink x (y/n)'
"Thank you baby, i love it so much."
(Why am i cringy af?)
He smiled at her as everyone in the background squealed.
He took of his old scarf and put on the new scarf that (y/n) gifted him as well as the heart locket which he saw she also had as well.

"Come on, i still have a gift for you."
She giggled as she held his hand, and began dragging him to the garden.
"Do you like it?"
He looked around the place a bit as he gasp.
"You did this? It's wonderful!"
The garden was full of decorations, and the middle was a bench with flowers on it.
(Im tired of describing it, you can just imagine it xD)
"I did! But i had a few help, of course"
She blushed and got flustered, scratching the back of her neck as he laughed in response.
"It's okay, i still love it (n/n)."

After the his birthday party had ended which lasted for more than he could ever imagine that it's now night time.
He sat on the bench with his beautiful lover, his (y/n) while watching the stars up above the sky.
She smiled and looked at ink
"The stars are beautiful tonight."
She whispered as ink nodded while gazing at the stars.
"They are."
(Y/n) giggled, making ink look at her and smiled.
"It's not the one's on the sky, silly~"
At first he didn't understand and blushed as soon as he realized it.
She was talking about the stars in my eyes, no wonder she was staring at me instead of the stars in the night skies.
He blushed more and got flustered as he knew she just flirted with him.
She laughed softly and kissed him.
He smiled in the kiss and kissed back.
It lasted for a minute and both pulled out.
"I love you inky and happy birthday."
(Y/n) breath out as ink nuzzled in her neck, hugging her tight.
"I love you too (n/n)."


Damn i had fun writing this! Plus it got me off writer's block so prepare for early chapters again...
Maybe :T

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