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As the next day came by, it was oddly normal- as if she was a normal student, studying without any students bullying her or even disturbing her and even had a friend who always hangs out with her! She felt peace but knew it wont last very long.

[ [Name]'s POV ]

After the absolute NORMAL day in school ended, i immediately went home- not after telling angel of course.

As i was walking over to the side walk, i lowered my head and sighed.

I was about to walk to cross the road but i could hear a honk of a car so i stopped in my tracks, clearly on the middle of the road and just stared at the upcoming car ahead of her.

why can't i suddenly move..?

Then suddenly, i felt a gush of wind around me so i closed my eyes, waiting for the car to hit me but.. why can't i feel anything but warmth of someone's body— wait.. body? What body?

Curious, i slowly opened my eyes to see that i wasn't on the road anymore.
I look up to see a person.. but they did not look like a person at all.

He smiled at me, i was a bit taken back so i pushed him and he fell onto the ground with a thud.

"W-who are you.. and most of all, what are you?" I ask while backing away from the mysterious creature. They look at me apologetically before also keeping his space from me.

[ Third Person POV ]

"I am ink–, ink sans! I am a skeleton-"
Before he could continue, [Name] interrupted him by yelling out a "what?!"

Knowing this was harder than ink had thought, he convinced her to go to her house so that he can explain better- also knowing it is also an excuse to go inside her property without sneaking in which was much easier since he won't get caught.

Why that sly rainbow ass..

But little ol' stubborn here crossed her arms as she couldn't just let a random person go with her in her house, she barely knew the creature she was with right now.

After ink tried to convince her, she did finally agree after a few declines. Like dude, she barely even know the person so she had to make sure first.

They stepped foot inside her humble apartment, though ink didn't need to take off his shoes cause he was barefooted unlike [Name].

[Name] offered him to take a sit on the couch, merely trying to set aside the thoughts lingering on her mind.

[Name] said shortly, staring down at him while simply placing both her hands on her hips.

Ink sweatdropped, scratching the back of his neck as he opened his mouth to speak- which was strange since he is a skeleton.

"I am a monster, well more likely a skeleton and i know it's hard to believe it but.."
He trailed off as [Name] on the other hand rose a brow as her hands moved up to cross her arms.


"I uh.. came from another.. dimension. I-I'm not from here at all."
He stuttered a bit, mentally cussing himself out as he knew he was bad at explaining and so is the author but let's not that about her cause she is the one who is writing this damn story. Sorry not sorry at all.

(Y/n) was speechless and dumbstruck, she couldn't utter the words she needed to say.

"...and h-how can i know that you are not lying?"

She said bluntly but in reality, she was mentally panicking. She didn't know him yet he is talking gibberish.

Is he damn stupid?- well, [Name] is cause she is the one who let a fucking stranger in her apartment.

Okay don't sue me, i'm going to focus on the story now. Still sorry not sorry.

She had thought that someone is just pulling a prank on her by dressing up as a skeleton but, he looks so real and monstrous..

Wait a second—

How can the creature dress up as a skeleton if his hand— hell, his whole body is literal made of actual bones and it's see through?! What in the damn hell is happening here?

Trust Me (Yandere Ink Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now