Chapter Nineteen

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I ran back to our hotel and woke up Thomas Rhett.

"You have to stop Morgan. He's done something so stupid and if Callan finds out, she'll die!" I say. He looks at me so confused.


"Morgan left the bar with a woman tonight. Look" I say and show him Morgan's wedding ring in my hand.

"Oh, my god" He says shooting up.

"Babe, I tried to stop him, but I couldn't. I even brought up Callan and he put the ring in my hand and walked away with the girl. I don't know what to do" I say.

"I-I don't either. Where is he?" He asks.

"I don't know. Do you think he'd come back here?" I ask.

"He could have went to the womans house" He says.

"Not likely. I think she's a hooker" I explain.

"Well, then let's go see if we can get a key at the desk" He says. I nod.

We ran down the steps to the front desk. Thankfully, they had a key for his room. Before we went, TR woke up one of the security guards for the shows and took him with us.

Thomas Rhett opened up the door the Morgan's room and flipped on the light. When he did, there was Morgan in bed with the girl.

"What the hell?" The girl asks. She spotted me. "You again? God". I yanked the blanket off of her and physically pulled her out of the bed.

"Like I said. I don't know who you are, but you have no business being here" I say.

"Someone's jealous" She says with a drunken smile. I roll my eyes and look at the security guard. He nods and guides her out of the room. I look to Morgan who was lying in the bed laughing.

"Man, what'd you do that for?" He asks. I look at TR.

"Lauren, don't" He says.

"What did we do this for? What are you doing this for, Morgan? You're such a dumbass. You have a wife and children!You have a job! You cant run around like you're twenty three again and be stupid! The things you do have consequences. What happens when Cal finds out that you cheated on her? You want her to die, because that's what going to happen, but do you even care? No, you don't! You're being a absolutely dick and I can't stand it. When are you going to grow the hell up?!" I yell at him.

"Babe, calm down" Thomas Rhett says.

"No! I'm sick of this, and I know the girls are too. Morgan, you and Callan both are going through a tough time but I can tell you that acting it isn't going to do you any good. It's only going to hurt everyone else. You can't be mad at Maddie for being pregnant because she can't help that. You can't cheat on your wife because she will leave you, Morgan! You can't hurt people just because you're hurting" I say.

"What the fuck do you want me to do then?" He exclaims to me. "What do you do when your son is dead and you can't even be with your family to get through it? What the fuck do you do, Lauren?!".

"You deal with it. You don't run like a little bitch" I say before walking out of the room.

I immediately started sobbing after I left. I heard Morgan and TR arguing, but eventually Morgan listened. He said:

"i don't know what to do, man. i feel like my life is falling apart just when it's supposed to start. my son died, my wife and daughters are half a world away. im all alone". And he started to sob.

My heart was broken for him and Callan. I couldn't imagine what would happen if she found out about the fact that he slept with another woman. I mean, he was drunk, but that was no excuse.

***Hannah's POV***

When we finally arrived to New York, Callan was sober, but not talking to anyone. None of us told her about what had happened this morning, but we definitely didn't forget about it.

We were currently all sitting in our hotel cafe trying to get some lunch. Callan only drank coffee. The kids were all playing around on their own. Everyrhing seemed to be going fine until my phone rang. It was Lauren.

Hannah: hey, what's up?

Lauren: hannah. something happend. it might go public, but i don't know, but i need you to know.

Hannah: what happened?

By this time, everyone had looked over at me and became silent. Even Callan.

Lauren: last night, i went out with morgan. he went to a bar and i went to try to keep him under control, but it didn't work.

Hannah: lauren, what happened?.

Lauren: morgan went home with a girl.

My heart sank and tears filled my eyes.

Hannah: tell me you're lying.

Lauren: thomas rhett and i got her out and he yelled at morgan pretty good and i did too. morgan is hurting a lot and i know callan is too, so i don't know if she should know or not, but i figured you needed to know.

Hannah: i-i have to tell her.

Lauren: let me know what happens.

Hannah: i will. see ya.

I hung up the phone and looked up at the girls.

"You have to tell who what?" Tae asks. I swallow hard and look at Callan.

"What happened?" She asks.

"Cal, um...Morgan...Morgan-".

"Oh, my fucking god" Naomi interrupts me. We all turned to the TV only to see Paparazzi pictures of Morgan and another girl on the screen. We stared for a minute then the girls turned to look at me.

"Tell me that isn't what Lauren told you about" Maddie says. I stayed quiet.

"Hannah, speak!" Jennifer says. I still stayed quiet. I looked to Callan. She had tears falling from her eyes.

"Hannah" She says. "Tell me the truth. Did...Did Morgan...Cheat?"


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