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"Leah, Leah dinners ready!" Mum called.

"I'm coming mum!" I replied, running down the stairs to our dinning room. I saw my brothers, Adam and Tom sat around our dining table, with mum, dad and my twin sister Hafsah.

"Whats occuring then?" I asked, my strong Austrailian accent ringing throughout the room.

"5 Seconds Of Summer are doing this competition thing" Hafsah said.

"What competition thing?" I asked, curious.

"They're asking us to buy things from their store, then they're gonna come visit some of us at the location that the merch is being sent to, but they're only doing it in Australia" Hafsah explained.

"Perks of living in Aussie! And wow, that sounds really cool! We should get them sent to Auntie Sophie's house, you know, the massive 'holiday' one by the beach" I suggested, making quotation marks around the word 'holiday'.

"Woah, woah, woah, calm down girls, we don't even know if this is legit, plus Sophie might not be down with it, you know what shes like. I do know that shes going on holiday to Barbados soon though, you might be lucky" Mum laughed.

After dinner, me and Hafsah both decided not to buy hundreds of things from their store, and instead to buy one 1 each. I bought the 'Calum Football Shirt' and Hafsah bought the Michael one.

As it was 10:30 on Thursday night, I decided to go to sleep. Tomorrow was the last day, I have my last exam, for English. I've been studying all week, so I should be okay.

I picked my phone from my counter, and did my routinely check on Twitter. I scanned through and saw Calum had recently tweeted off the band account.

"@5SOS: Can't wait to finally meet some of you! We're making our way around Australia tomorrow" I retweeted it and set my phone down, falling asleep.

*magic 12 hour time skip*

"That exam was pretty easy!" I said, walking through the door, slamming it shut.

"Well done Leah," mum said, hugging me.

"So Auntie Sophie said we can move into her house, she's had to move to England because she got a job transfer," mum explained.

"Really?!" I shouted, "omg omg I'm so excited!" I said bouncing around.

I ran up the stairs and into my room, starting to pack clothes into my suitcase.

"Leah were going to Sydney!" Hafsah screamed.

"Finally! We're moving like 9 hours 10 minutes away which is like 878 kilometres!"

"Leah, stop with the math, were out of school now, that disgusts me" Hafsah laughed.

"I know, I hate it"

"Yeah but Leah, you're so good at it, you're gonna get a well high grade"

"Hopefully!" I said, shoving some bikinis into my suitcase and shutting it. My phone bleeped signalising I'm getting a message.

"It's Jai," I said.

"Don't answer it" Hafsah said

"I have to, I'll break up with him soon" I said.

"Hey Jai" I said as I answered the call.

"Hey babe, how are you?"

"I'm good, you?"

"Um good, how was your exam?" He asked.

"Good thanks, I wanna see you soon, I need to talk" I said.

"Well I'm busy now, tomorrow?"

"Sure" I said and hung up.

"Hafsah I have to see him. He sounds really shifty, like something's happening."

"Let's go" she said and picked up her car keys.

So first chapter, hope you guys enjoy it!

Any questions, ask me :)

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