Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


What should I wear? I've only ever been a waitress or worked in a bar so it's difficult to know what to wear. Is a suit appropriate for such an interview or should I wear jeans and a t-shirt? This one makes my bum look big, red is too bright, I just don't know. A suit, I'm going to wear a suit.

I scattered clothes all over the bedroom floor trying to find the perfect outfit, I wanted to make the right impression but didn't want to come across too uptight. Letting out a sigh I glanced at the mess I'd made in my normally tidy bedroom. I grabbed a pair of black and white pinstriped trousers that would match the white blouse I was currently holding, and after deciding to have my hair up out of my face, I applied a little mascara and clear lip gloss.
Looking in the full length mirror I decided that I looked a little conservative so I opened my shirt slightly by unfastening the top button, then sprayed myself with my favourite perfume. Yes that's it, professional not slutty that's the look I want. With a deep breath, I made my way out of the apartment, collecting my portfolio from the pine wooden table by the front door and took the ten minute walk towards the interview that may just change my life forever.

The sun was shining brightly which made my journey a little more bearable and the walk gave me the opportunity to consider all possible scenarios. As I approached the building I saw two Harley's parked on the high street directly in front of the shop and my heart rate increased as I become a little nervous. Not because bikers scared me, I'd grown up with them all of my life I was practically raised by the Skulls after my mother had died of an overdose when I was four. No, I was nervous because so much was riding on getting this job. I finally had the chance to become independent and wanted so badly to get a job that I knew I would love and be good at. I took one final look at my reflection in the shop window and unfastened another button on my blouse, letting out a deep breath I opened the door to the Aces Tattoo shop.

The bells chimed and sounded my arrival but it was the music pumping loudly from the back room that set my heart racing as my anxiety took hold. I glanced around the reception area, which took me by surprise, as it was clean, and tidy, something that the Skulls weren't particularly good at. Five red leather chairs lined the back wall and a square pine coffee table positioned in the far corner containing a selection of tattoo magazines and a yucca plant that was in dire need of water.
As I looked around taking in the scenery, I heard footsteps as someone entered the room behind me. I turned to see a scrawny young man of average height, that looked to be in his late teens staring at me with an unreadable expression. He wore jeans that had seen better days, a blue t-shirt and a standard leather cut, which read 'Prospect' and I knew that it would be difficult to get through him to talk to the manager because of his demeanour.

"Can I help you?" He asked with an almost bored tone.
I pointed to the piece of paper stuck in the window with sticky tape, "I'm here regarding the job advertised." I held my portfolio tightly against my chest, "I called earlier in the week and was told to pop in to show my designs."
The Prospect looked me up and down lingering at my chest as a smile crept slowly across his young face, without warning he laughed, not just a chuckle but a wholehearted belly laugh. He doubled over at the waist trying to catch his breath, holding his stomach as he continued. I stood uneasy trying to keep composed as I shuffled from one foot to the other as time seemed to stand still but I could slowly feel myself getting annoyed the longer he laughed at me as the heat rose through my body. If I couldn't get past the Prospect, how would the owner ever take me seriously?
I gripped the folder tightly in my arms, I knew I was a fantastic tattooist I'd been working on the men in the Skulls MC since I was sixteen years old. Blaze had seen my Art portfolio when I was fourteen, I remember the day as if it was yesterday because someone had actually paid me some attention and appreciated my hard work and creativity. I was sitting in the grounds of the club and Blaze had looked through my designs and asked me to produce some for the books at the shop. I steadily built my portfolio and he looked after me taking me under his wing so that I could learn my trade. When I turned sixteen, he allowed me to practice on him and the other club members, much to my dad's disgust. I had good grades at school and my dad wanted a better life for me outside of the club or at least to be invisible and not draw attention to myself until I was eighteen.

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